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What is Privatefolio?

The Free* and Open-source Portfolio Tracker — All your crypto assets in one place

Privatefolio lets you track your assets across blockchains and exchanges.

Import your data and let the app do the rest — calculate your historical net worth, profits, losses, taxes and more.


Privatefolio is a local-first app, there is no server you data needs to travel to, it all happens right into your browser.

It leverages three kinds of public APIs:

  1. APIs for asset prices: Binance, Coinbase & DeFi-Llama — Redstone, Pyth coming soon.

  2. APIs for asset metadata: Coingecko (such as logo images, websites, descriptions).

  3. APIs for user data: Etherscan, Binance Account API.

It also makes use of IndexedDB, which allows for high amounts of data to be stored in the browser. How much? Chrome and Chromium-based browsers allow up to 80% of disk space, i.e. on a 500GB laptop a web app can use a maximum of 400GB.

Does it scale?

Using public APIs can be challenging, for example Coingecko's stingy free tier, nonetheless, with the use of a local cache (which works ok for metadata) we can get good user experience.

Fetching historical asset prices using Coinbase & Binance scales even if you have transacted hundreds of assets, for example, if you fetch the all daily candles of 100 assets for the past 6 years within the same minute, you would only use 10% of Binance's rate limit.

Fetching user data using Etherscan works great even for users with millions of transactions. Their public API allows up to 5 calls per second and 1 call can retrieve up to 10,000 records. Binance on the other hand is quite limiting and syncing an account can take many hours, but this is a challenge shared by all the portfolio trackers on the market.

Read more about rate limits on GitHub.

The answer is yes.


Back in November 2023 I was looking for other options beyond to use as a portfolio tracker, that is because:

  1. I have to check 3 different apps to get an overview of my assets.

  2. Delta reports my Binance balances inaccurately (it ignores Futures data).

  3. I cannot create a pull request and extend Delta.

  4. Other open-source alternatives like lack good UI/UX.

In October 2023, the TradingView team has released a plugin system for their amazing open-source charting library called lightweight-charts. This library is what powers Privatefolio today and what made features like measuring an arbitrary net worth change possible:

Demo of the Measure cursor

What's next?

If there is enough interest from people to use this product I will continue hacking on it.

You can reach out via email at, start a discussion on Discord, or message me on Twitter.

Please share any positive feedback, negative feedback, thoughts or ideas.

What would you like to see next?

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GG20 takes place from April 26 - May 7, 2024.

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