today was scary

i woke up, and my vision was very hazy, more than usual so i felt like maybe it’s just my eye telling me i’m not ready to wake up yet. i went back to sleep for 30 more minutes, and i still could not see clearly. my left eye was hurting in a way that it felt really really scratchy all over as if there was sand in my eye. vision was super hazy too.

i remember it being this hazy days after undergoing corneal cross-linking in the left eye in october 2023. that kind of woke me tf up and i swung out of my bed to check in the mirror. sadly, i couldn’t even look in the mirror clearly enough to see what’s wrong with my eye. i started panicking because vision in my right eye is already extremely bad so the idea of something going wrong with the left one too, meant i couldn’t see anything clearly.

i video called my friend and asked her to see if she could see something in my eye because it was impossible for me to look at it myself but she couldn’t really see over the phone either. i then called my mom and started sobbing without even saying a word bc the feeling of not being able to see was very scary(sorry i scared u mom&dad). after i told them what's happening, my dad immediately called my doctor back in india and asked me to call him right away.

i’ll spare you all more reading so i’ll fast forward a bit. after lots of calls with the doc, family and friends, worried and calling to check-in on me — i’m nearly 4 hours into putting the prescribed eye drops and the scratchy feeling has subsided. the hazyness has also reduced by 40ish percent.

tldr: i’m doing okay. less anxious. sometimes more. it comes in waves if i try to think of the moment when i literally fell to the floor crying bc i was so scared that i couldn’t see clearly. also for those of you who only know me from warpcast, you can read about my experiences with post lasik ectasia here in my twitter post from 2021.

i’m going to take it easy today. tomorrow’s a big day for me on warpcast so i want to be well rested. hint: get your warps ready.

if you still need me, i’m okay to voice chat. honestly, i could use the distraction so don't even hesitate.

gmgn and thank u for reading all the way through. 🥹🫶


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#cornea chronicles#post lasik ectasia