In this update
What is the web3 music vault?
Beta feedback and responses.
NFT Music Research & News
Idea incubator (I unlocked my idea notebook and started listing my ideas)
What is the Web3 Music Vault?
The Web3 Music Vault is a new way to play Music NFTs using your voice! Compatible with Alexa and works with Solana NFTs with MP3 files added into a (decentralized unlock-able protocol). Here are some of the Alexa prompts you can do when you are beta testing.
Alexa ask web3 music vault to start the party!
Alexa Ask web3 music vault to play my NFT music!
Alexa Ask web3 music vault to play [name of song]
Alexa Ask web3 music vault what song is playing?
Alexa Launch web3 music vault!
Alexa Ask web3 music vault reload songs.
While playing can ask...
Alexa Next (play the next song)
Alexa Previous (play the previous song)
Alexa Stop (stop playing)
Alexa Cancel (cancel playing)
Alexa Resume (resume playing)
Alexa Start over (start song over)
Web3 Music Vault project started as a contribution to the Magic Eden Creator Monetization Hackathon in December 2022. Since the hackathon, in January we started a beta where beta testers are helping with feedback and listening to incredible music is currently going on. I hope you enjoy me opening up with the process in how this product is being developed.
Here are the current goals of the
Have 50 music lovers loving the web3 music vault Alexa skill.
Help musicians learn what they need to do to publish their music NFTs.
Have a large NFT music holder play their NFTs using Alexa
Working to get the first album created by SongsOfEden made exclusively for to market.
Increasing visibility of playing NFT music on Alexa. Reaching out to more musicians and fans.
Asking if they want to see and hear their NFT music playing on Alexa!
We are starting small to make sure we build the features needed to support artists and have a minimum viable community. Are you on the waitlist? If not go to and connect your solana wallet (the site will create one if you don't have one using a torus wallet), login with Solana, and enter your email address.
By the numbers...
Number of Beta testers: 9
Number of accounts waiting: 20
Number of Music NFTs being listened to during beta: 1 (with 6 songs)
Number of artists wanting to support: 6
Beta updates
Currently we have a great group of beta testers helping to make Web3 Music Vault the best product it can be and something they would love to use! This week it was winter break I had parenting duties so my capacity was reduced but I wrote up this plan to get community input. Let me know what you think!
wen Shorter name please
When you prompt Alexa the prompts require you to say .. Alexa ask web3music vault to _________.I agree the name is too long to say to Alexa. Alexa development requires that the skill must be at least 2 words, and be unique and I think it would be best if it was under 4 syllables. We can shorten it after we publish the skill if there is no skill with the same name. One idea we have had is to drop Web3 and just Alexa ask Music Vault to play! Stay tuned on this. If you have an idea send me a DM on twitter, instagram or send email to hi @ prizem dot art.
wen polygon (not yet but here is the plan)
To get polygon support we have to do the following things..
✅ Have Login with Polygon working
🔴Ability to see your Polygon NFTs in your wallet
🟡Ability to add music NFTs to your Alexa playlist
🟡Account link with Alexa and your Polygon wallet.
🟡Ability to add Polygon NFTs when you logged in with Solana/Ethereum
Currently testing Login with Polygon working for initial login
Now, I need to be able to get NFTs from a Polygon wallet. Currently I am using QuickNode for Solana but they do not have Polygon support ready. I am reaching out to find out if I need to find an alternative solution.
I will most likely put a place holder data object here and then test the Account linking flow with Alexa and Metamask to ensure it works correctly.
Here is an early prototype of the initial view when logging in with polygon
wen ethereum (not yet but here is the plan)
To get Ethereum support we have to do the following things..
✅ Have Login with Ethereum working
🔴Ability to see your Ethereum NFTs in your wallet
🟡Ability to add music NFTs to your Alexa playlist
🟡Account link with Alexa and your Ethereum wallet.
🟡Ability to add Ethereum NFTs when you logged in with Solana/Polygon
Currently testing Login with Ethereum using Metamask
Ability to support a playlist with music from multiple chains - in progress
I used Quicknode NFT indexing service during the hackathon and it currently is having some challenges with Ethereum (do it didn't port over easily) I am reaching out the QuickNode team on the issue with Ethereum. I will most likely have to replace QuickNode with Moralis, Unmarshal, and Opensea to get NFT metadata for a user's wallet. I can also look at creating my own solution or see if there is an open source solution that will index just the wallets that are connected.wen Android 10 Account linking error
android + phantom wallet browser account linking bug
When you use account linking with Phantom wallet browser and Alexa app you are not able to account link happens on the last step. I don't have any error logs so I will be reaching out to the Alexa team for help.
Improve the mobile wallet connection experience
(Alexa app -> Phantom app requires copy paste link instead of deep linking in Phantom)
For Solana the connect to Phantom wallet doesn't always work you have to copy and paste url into the Phantom browser and then it will work .. I have updated libraries but not able to find the issue yet. This will require talking to the Phantom team. It appears that deep linking between web app and sites do not work. I get stuck on the splash screen.
Captcha may be too much right now
Plan is to remote the captcha since login with wallet and signing wallet is good enough for now. I can always put behind the cloudflare service like chat gpt did when they got big.
I had to do some research to find out if web3 apps use captcha. Looks like initially they mostly use services like cloudflare or no captcha.
Multiple language is needed some locales display incorrectly
This was around Torus wallet and I have not been able to reproduce after latest wallet adapter update. The translation was missing I think for German. I need to go back and test this.
wen support more music NFT formats
on top of just un-lockable music
Not all music is locked in a darkblock so I want to make it easier for music that is part of a NFT and publicly stored to be playable from the holder's wallet. This is something that will require research on the different ways that music NFTs are created. I have not found a way to define a music nft that is openly defined.
Add terms and conditions
Planning: asked ChatGPT for help here. Also comparing with other sites.
Provide a web page that introduces web3 music vault.
Planning. No progress on this
Filter to show supported music NFTs in wallet
Currently Planning this out. We could just show all and have a music play button to indicate it is a music album.
Beta is having issue with UK region working with Amazon
Heard back from Alexa team and made adjustment. Waiting to hear back from tester in the UK to verify it is working. It should be fixed once out of beta.
Daily listening Testing notes
Every day I am currently listening to SongsOfEden's new album on my Alexa app and Echo device to help with the ongoing testing. I have noticed that sometimes the music skips or repeats unexpectedly. There is also sometimes a delay in playback when resuming a song. I have done some research and I am reaching out to darkblocks and also doing some testing with more music files on decentralized servers..
Research / News
I started to listen to this Spotify playlist about Spotify: A Product Story which I thought was fascinating and helpful to understand the challenges that Spotify faced when they first started. Here are some of the tweets I have made since listening to the first few episodes.
More research is needed to know more about the following events:
Artists can carry over their TikTok verification status to Audius. This is great product feature to help validate an artist they can carry over web2 credibility and reputation to the web3 platform.
OneOf - Former Warner Music CEO joins web3
Token gated playlist on Spotify?
Napster buys Mint Songs
Idea Incubator
I wanted to leave you with more ideas to help improve this from just being a super convenient and magical way to play NFT music on the go!
Add more blockchains.. Tezos support. Is there a chain with Music NFTs we should add?
Support for minting your own playlist and sharing it with others. Possibly adding NFT music metadata to a M3U file? or just take best parts of M3U and create a new file.
Support for MP4 files to play on the Echo Show devices or just playing the audio track on devices without a screen.
Partner with existing NFT music platforms to help bring more utility to the music NFTs.
Could you use Web3 Music Vault in the Spatial virtual world?
Currently researching - I am not sure but I did a little bit of research on this. It would be cool if you could use voice commands in Spatial.. It looks like you can with Unity but not sure if it is compatible with Spatial audio. This requires research. Here was a thread I started on twitter.
Add additional capabilities to different mobile platforms
SIRI play my NFT music?
Hey Google play my NFT music?
Proof of listening protocol -
Provide musicians with listening analytics to help then know what kind of music the NFT music fan wants.
Artists can Reward fans directly by sending airdrops based on metrics such as send my top 10 fans on the platform a personal customized song just for them!
The Web3MusicVault can send airdrops on low gas networks (solana / polygon) to reward users for getting setup (connecting wallet, creating a playlist, account linking and listening to first song) to first 100 listens!
Support the Torus wallet for Polygon and Ethereum to ensure a no application install self custody solution is available.
Partnership with existing music platforms - Do you have a favorite? I am starting a list. More on that later.
Ability for fans to leave a voice message for their favorite artist.. with blockchain messaging protocols it may be easier to do this. More investigation is needed.
Sample music pack to help get adoption and show how easy it is to use. Use the self custody solution.
Ability for artists to leave a message for their fans or specific fans that can be picked up using Alexa notifications.
Artist Profile page - Ability to have collection and artist improve their reputation by adding verified social media profiles and even their Spotify to an artist profile.
Ability to share your Playlist and have a way to buy the ones you don't have to complete your collection.
Ability to have a decentralized marketplace using thirdweb marketplace smart contract
Rental / Subscription to access NFT music that can work in a fair and transparent way where the creator of the music is a major part of the equation.
W3MV is more then just music it can play NFT podcasts, NFT audiobooks and those can tie into #PrizemPress work
Audius is integrating TikTok should Web3Music vault also integrate music videos from video steaming providers such as Youtube and tiktok?
I hope you like this type of update. It helps me stay organized and I am sure I may have missed something. There is a lot going on and I just wanted to write it all out. Have a nice weekend. Let me know what feature you want me to go deeper into.