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Now Minting: $SLOW$ by ChrisCoCreated

Title: '$SLOW$'
Artist: ChrisCoCreated
Minting: 24 hr Open Edition
Price: 0.002 ETH (+mint fee)
Chain: Base
I want stability that the $ gives, so I can go SLOW, but pursuit of the $ makes me go fast.


The story I tell myself is that slowness brings depth, which is where the deep rewards are.

In a life lived well.

In true value creation.

It is that true value creation which will result in $$$$$.

It's a nice story. Easier told than lived by.

So instead I say to myself - pay attention to the slow sign - prioritise depth over dollar when you can.


Minting for only 24hrs! Hurry, Hurry!


Original Image taken on iPhone on a concrete promenade by the beach in Folkestone, Kent, UK

Digital manipulation in iPhone and Pixelmator Pro

Slow $ created using CoCreated algorithm

Assembled in Pixelmator Pro

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

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