Sneak Peak of The P.I.L.L. Factory
This week, grantees published drafts of their creative projects on the forum. With twenty posts in the thread, there's a goldmine of good stuff to check out. Please try to comment or provide feedback via a direct message on Discourse, rather than by posting in the main thread!
Quick refresher: The goal of the Protocol Pill Incepting Lore and Literacy (PILL) challenge is to support protocol-themed creative work with memetic potential. To get more information about who's behind the PILLs, check out the SoP24 cohort page.
Sketching the Socioimaginational
Abstract of Sam's talk:
At the recent Datus and Nusas workshop exploring the intersection of Nusantara (maritime Southeast Asia) traditions and protocol science, an interesting contradiction emerged. Nusantara felt hard to ‘protocolize’ yet rewarding to characterize.
Ideas of a ‘Nusantara Protocol’ came across as ill-suited and perhaps cluelessly doomed to subversion, but notions of Nusantara lore and -punk (seapunk, ricepunk, etc.) resonated naturally in ways that felt rooted in deeper realities.
This talk traces this contradiction to the broader challenge of sketching the ‘socioimaginational’ (the realm of cultural sensibility, ethos, myth, folklore, etc.), suggests some initial ways of thinking about this space, and considers: where and how might protocols best fit?