Starting in 1 hour: Capstone & Asia Unconference

Hey everybody,

The capstone session of the Protocol Symposium starts in one hour, at 24:00 UTC. Join here.

Tonight's event, designed to set the stage for the unconference by airing an initial set of provocations and ideas, will comprise two 25-minute panels focused on two critical parts of SoP24: Live workshops and partner tracks. The first panel will focus on reflections on live workshops from Janine Leger (Edge City, Esmeralda and Lanna), Fuad Johari, and Sam Chua (Datus and Nusas workshop, Singapore), in conversation with Tim and Venkat. The second panel will feature Hazel Hu, Fangting, and Nicholas Hu, chatting about the Chinese-community focused track run by GCC (Global Chinese Community). We will also have some prompts and cues for the unconference from Venkat and Tim, for participants to consider in their agenda-making.

The unconference itself will feature two 12-hour legs. The Asia leg (01:00 - 13:00 UTC) will draw on the thinking kicked off by the Singapore workshop and the GCC track to explore protocols from an Asia perspective. Themes we expect to see include Asian models of governance, “Seapunk”, and sinofuturism. The Americas leg (14:00 - 02:00 UTC) will draw on the thinking from the main SoP tracks of both 2023 and 2024. Themes we expect to see include: hardened commons or a session on Legos as protocols, gray-zone conflict like cyber warfare and drone strikes, safety protocols and dynamic non-events, a roundtable about the PILL projects produced this summer, protocols for negotiating autonomous realities, etc. Each leg will kick off with an agenda creation session where you can propose and discuss potential sessions.

Key times:

See you there!



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