The fourth salon of the Protocol Symposium begins in ~20 minutes at 24:00 UTC. Join here.
Quadratic voting and funding protocols have seen increasing adoption in web3 and beyond as a way to more fairly reach decisions and allocate resources. However, these mechanisms have widely reported shortcomings, both theoretical and practical, and more nuanced protocols which consider aspects of voter identity and expertise have been proposed. These more plural approaches show promise, but have seen little in the way of experimental validation. Our project will field test some of these alternatives to quadratic voting, particularly collection-oriented cluster match, to assess their soundness and their practical application to real-world settings.
Rich McDowell and Martin Benedikt Busch
P.S. You can RSVP for the five remaining sessions here.
P.P.S. Venkat and Tim are doing a multi-day AMA on the forum. Ask 'em anything.