The Inaugural Issue of Protocolized

The first of many...

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Protocolized, the newsletter for the Summer of Protocols. We will be sharing videos, glimpses of developing work by our researchers, excerpts from discussions, links to things we are reading, and upcoming events and activities (some of which will be open). In this issue we have for you a video of our first town hall and a bunch of odds and ends we think you’ll enjoy. We hope to put this newsletter out every week or two through the program. If you’d like to participate more, hop into our discord (link at bottom). If you’ve written or made anything interesting related to protocols, drop us a link, and we’ll share in the SoP community.

Summer of Protocols Town Hall

On March 10, we held a town hall to introduce the Summer of Protocols program, answer questions and meet some of the interested applicants.

Three Links

Each issue, we will share three links related to protocols that we found particularly interesting the previous week.

Byzantine Empathy - Sci-fi short story from Ken Liu featuring blockchain protocols
Specifying Spring '83 - Narrative about a new content-aggregation protocol
The Program Audio Series - Audio series depicting a future where money, state, and god are fused into a single protocol

Upcoming Milestones

Summer of Protocol applications are due Tuesday, March 21.

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