GM Builders, This one's even shorter and sweeter. As Devcon and the bull market continue to catch fire , I've been noticing an uptick in discourse surrounding where we, as builders, should place more of our focus. My answer is simple and two-fold. Let's finally agree to support more genuine apps. In doing so, we won't be quitting on other niches such as infra. We'll be finally building bridges strong enough to kickstart and sustain our journey across the chasm. Before we get there, though, we...
GM Builders, These days, at Push, we're moving at breakneck speed toward something greater. In that vein, I'm keeping these installments of practical tips from the forefront of DAOs, even shorter and sweeter. Today, I'm thinking about balancing chasing OKRs with encouraging experimentation, under the umbrella of a DAO. Let's dive in. The Case for More Skunkworks We're often too focused on "founder-mode." Aligning ourselves with the right OKRs, KPIs, or whatever you want to call them under the...
Gm builders, let's talk consumer crypto. More specifically, let's dig into where grants come in. Today, many of the leading Web3/crypto grant programs, both by dollar amount and projects supported, are too expansive. We, as grant providers, need to narrow our focus to scale the development and usage of Web3-based consumer apps. Now, in saying that, I don't mean eliminating all other categories of grants. I mean hone in our KPIs and double-down on everything that can be considered consumer-fac...
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