Weekly DAO Thoughts #4: Taking DAOs Further

DAOify it all, but in different ways

Weekly DAO Thoughts with Push

Gm Builders, this one's shorter and sweeter.

First, what happened to Weekly DAO Thoughts #2? IDK. Paragraph deleted it.

But, we move on with a bit of a repeat with a bit of a different slant.

I've been thinking a lot about what DAOs need to do to cross the chasm.

To step far over the walls we have here, so to speak, and into wider, deeper use cases.

And to me, three key actions reign supreme.

  1. Any DAO that launches to support a protocol over the long-term, i.e., to act as the community-led vehicle to protect and scale said protocol, should have a meaningful share of said protocol's fees, in perpetuity, or it will fail. You might think this is a given, but it isn't. How do we define meaningful? It varies but to me/in my experience, it needs to hit over 1%. Justify how anything should keep a Protocol DAO at 1% or lower and I'll change my thinking here. We need to ensure this from day one and stick to it, budget-wise and otherwise. Any Protocol that plans to launch a DAO needs to have it prominently in every bit of its messaging, to investors, to the general public, etc...

  2. DAOs need to kickstart more events, more accelerators, more revitalization projects, more classes, more support for students, and in general, more impact. The sky's the limit here and I'm bullish. This is not a waste of money. Those who sit in that camp are short-sighted and don't see the greater strategy in doing so, which to put it simply is, to "show the world just how much impact we can make with the next paradigm, the next driving force for all communities." From that impact, we build even greater things. Creating public goods that just bring joy and help people is one step of many.

  3. Think bigger. Think way bigger than investment DAOs, protocol DAOs and leadership vehicles for Dapps. Don't get me wrong, we need all of those. We also need businesses, communities, public goods, and more that just make a difference/solve a real problem first, with a DAO on more of the back-end.

Next time, I plan to get even deeper, even wilder with what I mean with these 3 actions or pillars.

For now, thanks for reading, and from one DAOist to another, keep your eyes peeled here for a growing library on all practical bits of advice on DAOing that I can think of.

If you want to discuss anything you've read or if you want to dive in and DAO with us, reach out to me anywhere on my socials, where my handle is usually @Expatcrypto3, or to all of us on the Push DAO Forum.

GN for now.

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Weekly DAO Thoughts #4: Taking DAOs Further