Rehash Recap: December 2022

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we’re one week into 2023 already and only three months away from our one year anniversary since launching Rehash.

We’ve been doing a lot of reflecting and planning for Q1 this week, which we’ll share soon in a future update. For now, here’s an update on everything you might have missed during the holiday craze in December.

Note: Each monthly Rehash Recap will come with a free Rehash badge you can collect for the first 7 days after the recap is published. Not only is collecting these subscriber NFTs fun and free; doing so will also earn you future rewards in the form of airdrops, merch, governance rights, or other fun ideas we come up with along the way.


Here’s the TLDR; of what we’ve been up to this month:

  • Wrapping up Season 3 of the podcast

  • Season 4 podcast update

  • Rebranding Rehash

  • Building our new website

Podcasts you may have missed in December

We released our four final episodes of Season 3 in December featuring Satvik Sethi, Sumedha Deshmukh, Paris Rouzati, and Henri Stern.

S3 E12: Let’s Talk About Mental Health in Web3 w/Satvik Sethi

Our first episode in December was without a doubt one of the most uplifting web3 podcast episodes we’ve recorded - and heard. Satvik Sethi, co-founder and CEO of joincircle, joined us to talk all things mental health, SocialFi, fundraising, and the intersection of politics and web3.

You can catch up on the full episode on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Lenstube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Shout out to ethdaily for being the proud owner of this podcast NFT!

S3 E13: Access and Inclusion Through Policy w/Sumedha Deshmukh

Our second episode from December featured Sumedha Deshmukh from Crypto Council for Innovation, the premier global alliance advancing crypto innovation. Sumedha shared her expectations on when meaningful policy around crypto will likely be enacted and how policymakers can enact regulation that helps consumers without stifling innovation. She also shares her unique perspectives on how mainstream news cycles influence crypto policy.

You can catch up on the full episode on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Lenstube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

This podcast NFT is still available for purchase for 0.05 ETH on OpenSea!

S3 E14: Building a Human-Centered Web3 w/Paris Rouzati

Our third episode from December featured Paris Rouzati, a web3 investor and advisor. Paris explained what human-first marketing and human-centered design means to her and shared her observations of the impacts of social media on mental health. She also gave us the inside scoop on how Aave and Lens go about creating swag that people actually want to wear and throwing parties (raaves) people actually want to attend.

You can catch up on the full episode on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Lenstube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Shout out to stani for being the proud owner of this podcast NFT!

S3 E15: Privacy is a Public Good w/Henri Stern

Our fourth and final episode from December (and final episode of the season) featured Henri Stern, co-founder and CEO of Privy, a customer onboarding tool for web3 apps. Henri broke down big concepts like decentralization, cryptography, and cryptocurrency into plain English. He also explored some of the nuances between things like privacy and transparency, the UX tradeoffs of privacy, and why he’s “bullish on the bear market.”

You can catch up on the full episode on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Lenstube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

This podcast NFT is still available for purchase for 0.05 ETH on OpenSea!

Reflections on Season 3

When we first started the podcast back in April 2022, we listed diversity as one of our core values. We’re excited to report that we have stayed true to that value, with more than 50% of our guests representing minority groups in gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and other categories.

Overall, conversations focused on DAOs performed the best, followed closely by media topics and other non-financial use cases in web3.

Our audience remains mostly crypto native or crypto curious, but we are focused on expanding our listenership to all users of technology more broadly. We hope to have many more conversations with our incredible guests about how web3 tools can help advance the existing tech we use rather than replace it. Nuanced perspectives are important to us, and our aim is to expose our listeners to as many different and new perspectives as we can.

Season 4 podcast update

Rehash podcast season 4 sponsors

Last month, we posted a call for Season 4 podcast sponsors and were overwhelmed by the responses we received from some incredible projects we love and respect.

We are currently heads down working on ad creation with these sponsors and can’t wait to reveal what we’ve been working on next month when Season 4 launches.

Thank you to everyone who applied, encouraged their friends to apply, and otherwise engaged in our sponsor search. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Rehash podcast season 4 schedule

Season 4 of Rehash will kick off on Thursday, February 16, 2023 and run weekly for 15 episodes until May 25, 2023.

If you are a Rehash NFT holder, you’ll be able to help us choose our season 4 guests starting on Monday, January 16, 2023.

As a reminder, anyone with a Rehash NFT will be able to participate in our guest nomination process, but only those with a podcaster-level NFT will be able to participate in the voting process. You can verify whether you have a podcaster-level NFT by locating your NFT on OpenSea and scrolling down to the properties. If the “Governance” property says “Propose + Vote,” then you will be able to nominate guests and vote for your favorite one(s).

If you do not yet have a Rehash NFT and would like to participate in the governance process for Season 4 of the podcast, you can purchase a Season 3 podcast NFT for 0.05 ETH here until they run out.

Rehash rebrand

Last month, we announced plans for a new visual brand and the first set of Rehash merch.

Our Rehash rebrand is now complete, and we’re excited to reveal our new logo and designs to the public in January 2023. Follow us on Twitter and join us on Discord for the latest news on our new visual brand.

We are also making good progress on our merch designs and will be releasing those to our community in February 2023. Podcast guests and NFT holders will be eligible to receive Rehash merch. You can purchase a Rehash NFT here.

Website update

We spent a large part of December working on a website refresh and are excited to debut that to the public in January 2023. Soon, you’ll be able to view our collection of podcast NFTs on our website and purchase NFTs directly from our website. Thanks again to Samudai for the generous website grant!

Thanks for reading, and see you next month for our first recap of the new year! If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback, DM us on Twitter or join our Discord server - we’d love to hear from you.

Happy New Year!

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