Rehash Season 7 Sponsor Search

Last week, we published our final episode of Season 6, so in lieu of a podcast recap today we’ll be sharing some of our reflections and learnings from Season 6, as well as announce some updates and plans for the future.

🎙️ Season 6 Recap

Going into Season 6, we were in what was perhaps the coldest of crypto winters we’ve experienced since the last bull run, but we are coming out of it much more hopeful. The overall sentiment in the crypto community seems to be on the rise, with markets trending upward, lots of in person meetups around the world, and so many bright minds who have stuck around and continue to zealously build through a bear market.

There was certainly a stronger focus on consumer crypto this season, with projects like Crowdmuse (physical → onchain goods), Sona (onchain music), Vessel (onchain media), Pudgy Penguins (physical → onchain plushies), Hypeshot (crypto-enabled livestreaming), and JokeRace (onchain contests) making appearances on Rehash.

We took advantage of the slower pace during Season 6 and used the end of the year as an opportunity to reflect on the future of Rehash as well.

The high gas costs during Season 6, which resulted in our podcast NFTs costing $30 or more in gas alone during a large part of the season, led us to finally take steps to move our NFTs from Ethereum Mainnet to Optimism (L2). Our new NFTs will live on Pods, a new platform for minting and hosting onchain podcasts. New episodes will cost 0.00420 ETH for the public, 0.00210 ETH (50% discount) for existing holders, and free to anyone attending our episode livestream.

Speaking of livestreaming, another new initiative we’ll be pushing this season is we will be livestreaming each of our podcast recordings. The final recording will still be edited and published to the standards and quality you’re used to hearing, but now Rehash NFT holders will have an opportunity to sit in on the recording while it’s taking place, ask any questions live, and hear the full, unedited version.

A community-owned podcast cannot exist without the community, and we are forever grateful for the kind, brilliant community we’ve been able to build over the past 1.5 years.

🤝 Sponsor Season 7 of Rehash: A Web3 Podcast

The following is an intention we set at the start of Season 4 that we still uphold and value greatly as we move forward into Season 7:

We want to become the go-to podcast for learning about and envisioning a future of tech that discards of the exploitative ad models and productization of users and instead uses cryptography and the tools available to us in web3 to put power back into the hands of everyday people.

We view web3, cryptography, and blockchain through the lens of the larger tech ecosystem and try to make sure we’re staying grounded while also taking a 30,000 foot view. This manifests in conversations that are analytical, nuanced, and thoughtful.

Once again, we’re offering three sponsorship packages with varying levels of offerings to give everyone who’s interested in sponsoring an opportunity to do so. You can view more information about sponsoring and a detailed price sheet on our sponsor page, as well as some relevant stats in our one-pager below.

We’ve had the privilege of working with incredible sponsors like Lens, Lore, Quests, Ambire Wallet, and more and look forward to expanding our circle of sponsors in 2024. If you’re looking to bring more crypto-literate, curious, and innovative individuals into your community, you want to be tapped into our listenership.

If you are interested in sponsoring, please email or reach out to Diana on Twitter or in the Rehash Discord server.

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