Weekly Update 4/29: Crowdfund Closes, 7 New Episodes

It’s hard to believe we launched our crowdfund less than two weeks ago. Things are clearly moving super fast, and we don’t expect you to be online 24/7 to keep up with all the moving pieces (weekly reminder to get away from your screen and go outside). In the spirit of total transparency and over-communication, we’ll be publishing a weekly update every Friday at rehash.mirror.xyz to keep you up to speed on everything that’s happening at Rehash.

ICYMI: Weekly update from last week in Twitter thread form

Crowdfund closes

We launched our Mirror crowdfund on Tuesday, April 19 and closed it one week later on Tuesday, April 26 (technically April 27 because we had some technical difficulties).


We set our goal at 10 ETH and ended up raising 29.53 ETH, nearly 3x our goal! We have a total of 121 backers who are now our original 121 DAO contributors. We reached our initial goal within 1.5 hours of launch, and our top backer contributed 5 ETH.


Out of the 29.53 ETH raised, we netted a total of 28.88 ETH after Mirror fees were taken out (Etherscan). Here’s how we plan to distribute the money raised:

  • 2.5 ETH to Diana for creating the concept, strategy, assembling the crowdfund, and recording 12 episodes for Season 1 of the podcast

  • 4 ETH to Tyler and Ellie for editing all of the podcasts and promo material, creating the theme song and podcast assets, and setting up the website

  • 0.69 ETH to Libbie for designing our NFTs (also 5% of royalties from any secondary NFT sales will go to her as well)

  • 0.4 ETH to anonymous shadowy super designer for designing our logo and creating our visual brand

  • The remaining 21.29 ETH will remain in our DAO multisig for use in future projects

7 new podcast episodes & Season 1 complete

Another big update that happened this week is we dropped another 7 episodes of Rehash: A Web3 Podcast, completing Season 1.


Our focus when designing this first season of the podcast was to stay true to our core values:

We believe we did a decent job of this but can always do better.

  1. Out of 12 guests we had on the podcast this season, six were women but hardly any were people of color. We can and should do a better job of this for future seasons.

  2. We discussed the nuances of many contentions but could have dug even deeper into certain arguments. Our goal isn’t to be adversarial to our guests, but rather to think critically alongside our guests and try to understand as fully as possible why they hold the beliefs they do.

  3. I believe we stayed true to our third value and plan on continuing to do so in future seasons.

Season 1 of the podcast is now complete, and we hope you’ll enjoy listening to these episodes over the next month or so before we launch Season 2.

Starting in Season 2, our 121 DAO members will be able to curate the guest list, topics, segments, and overall structure of the podcast. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with :)

Rehash on Apple, Spotify, Google, etc

Another big update this week is that our podcast is now on all the major podcasting platforms!

Here are some links to popular podcast platforms you might use:

If you are unable to find our podcast on your podcast platform of choice, please message us on Twitter @rehashweb3 and we’ll get that updated ASAP!

We’re also on YouTube and have a whopping 41 subscribers so far 🙃


What’s next?

Here are some things we’re working on right now:

  • Migrating our NFTs over to our own contract (right now they currently live on the shared Crowdfunded Mirror Editions contract)

  • Setting up our token-gated Discord channels

  • Planning a launch party for our DAO members on Tuesday, May 3, where we’ll be announcing next steps for contributors

  • Kicking off our guest nomination period for Season 2 on Tuesday, May 3

  • Memeing the heck out of our guests (peep this clip of LDF, it will make your day)

In the meantime, hop into our Discord (public channels available for anyone who wasn’t able to snag an NFT) and get caught up on Season 1 of the pod!

See you next week ✌️

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