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The DAO of Religio

Governing our Sacred Framework

For context about why/what a web3 Religion, please read Religio and the Greater Vision, this document is about how we are creating the first web3 Religion.

In terms of Human Coordination and Organizational behaviors, DAOs are the next big experiment for Human Coordination. While we might intuitively think that a DAO shall be Decentralized, Autonomous, and Organized, the web3 industry reality shows us that we are still far from meeting this criteria, yet we shall walk towards it. So today, we are announcing the launch of The DAO of Religio.

It is, we got a humble DAO

What is our DAO scoped for?

We want a minimum viable DAO that coordinates our community, by using the governance stack, to sign-off the collective decisions we take about our shared beliefs that will lead us to be better people for the wealth of ourselves, our communities, and humanity in general to then achieve the worldwide Regeneration that we want to pass to the further generations.

Religions, at the end of the day, are bonding mechanisms that gather a community into a shared belief for guaranteeing individuals to earn heaven, to live in nirvana, whatever it means. While we envision our binding elements to be properly designed with socio-economic incentives to invite people to act and behave in a “good” way (we are not there yet), understanding “good” as what is beneficial for us as individuals, for us as collectives, but also for us as humanity. As you can guess, we do need coordination and alignment to define what “good” is for us, at least for Religio’s practitioners.

So, there are a few assets that are going to be gradually transferred to the DAO for its governance:

  • Religio’s Creed: The Light Paper

    • We will govern about its format, place of storage, and content, currently, we find it online at Gitbook and in Swarm decentralized Data Storage platform (it’s like IPFS but private and censorship-resistant).You can check it at with hash 7504628bef0eecb4b3842b0edeee29b95e884348d760297add570773e9e00e79. Funding will initially be guaranteed by ReligioDAO summoner under the expectation that when the community grows enough it’ll be self-sustained.

  • ReligioDAO’s Oracle: ChatGPT interface to Religio.

    • As you can guess, AI has been a great help to create this religion. I mean, if we are intertwining ancient wisdom with modern technology, the best tool at the moment we have to synthesize all this knowledge is AI’s LMM like ChatGPT. We’ve even created our own Religio’s Oracle GPT for you to interact with (only if you have OpenAI’s subscription 😏).

    • Prompt engineering is currently under the Summoner’s governance personal account, but you can check it here: Religio’s Oracle GPT’s instructions.pdf.

  • Web Page: all content for will be under the scrutiny of the DAO.

  • Social Media: in an ideal world, every piece of content should be governed by the DAO, but if you have DAOed before, you know how painful in the 🍑 this can be. So, Twitter and Instagram would remain designated to the proper account.

  • Representatives: in order to properly evangelize around the world about Religio and bring the proper partnerships to our Ecosystem, the DAO will select a group of people to have the legitimacy to represent our interest in the outside world.

Disclaimer: If you’ve DAOed before, you might understand the technical challenges behind actually giving the complete power of these assets to the DAO, as we cannot have yet Documents, ChatGPT, Social Media accounts, Web Page directly on-chain. The DAO would serve as the instance to govern the content and steering on these assets, but until we have the proper technical solutions, many, if not all, of these assets will remain under the ultimate accountability of the Steward in charge. It sucks, but we see it as a good way to start practicing the art of DAOing for a greater good.

We’ll scale up the DAO little by little, the bigger we’ll be, the broader our scope and assets to govern together.

Why should people care about governing Religio DAO?

Decentralized governance is like a community garden where everyone gets to plant their favorite vegetables. We all see its value for sustainability and social equity, crucial for nurturing human evolution. But in reality, it’s like juggling watering schedules and arguing over organic vs. non-organic fertilizers. It’s a tangle of well-intentioned green thumbs, occasional overgrown zucchinis, and the silent hope that someone else will deal with the inevitable army of enthusiastic snails. 🌱🐌🤷‍♂ Decentralized Governance is what we all need, but it’s hard af!

In an ideal world (the one we are targeting to achieve 😃), we envision people taking care about Religio’s Creed and Culture evolution due to incentives driven by Moral and Tribal imperatives, which means, not economical nor social-reputation incentives, just the care about themselves and their peers. That’s why, we will be (IRL, physically) giving Religio’s Charms to people submitting successful governance proposals.

Religio's Necklace Charm

With a symmetrical four-petal floral motif at its heart, it symbolizes harmony with nature and the interconnectedness of life. Each petal represents one of the four cardinal virtues: kindness, courage, wisdom, and integrity, coming together to form a balanced whole. Perfect for the eco-conscious and the fashion-forward, this necklace is a gentle reminder of our responsibility to the planet and to each other. You can earn it and wear it as a symbol of your commitment to a better world and let its subtle beauty spark conversations about the values that matter most.

Most importantly, we are writing history for the future of Humanity, a narrative that will be perpetuated on the blockchain. Isn’t that enough incentive for you to participate? Also…

"Different" Creeds, same hope good actions

If you like simpler words, Let’s just…

Thanks to @gospelOfChange for the deep inspiration

That’s it? Just Governance over some digital media?

Of course it’s not only about that! Our vision is greater, there is so much to build, to create, to manage, to collect, and to share around the world. Religio wants to bring a new harmonizing regenerative culture for all humanity, a world of abundance where we all can live happily forever and after, but at the moment, this is what we have.

ReligioDAO is in a pre-seed state, our community is still small, with even a smaller body of active contributors, the only thing we can offer is faith, imagine how difficult it is in today’s world. But we are not in a hurry, we do want to grow but we are not growth oriented. If you want to contribute, get in contact.

Yes, we will have on-chain governance to handle our commons assets, on-chain and off-chain, but before worrying about that, we still need the assets! BTW, if you want to donate…

here is our Optimism Address Multisig: oeth:0x30e0E7717453f21fd5A05BAd808373E191A968c7

How to become a member and participate?

Everyone can become a member, you would just need a previous member to vouch for you after assuring you have participated in any of our rituals, online or offline.

  • Want to know more about our Rituals? These are simple Liberaring Structures purposed to deepen our connections with ourselves and with each other. Check them & Schedule here.

  • Want to donate? Currently available only on Optimism: & Religio’s Project coming soon!

  • Want to contribute on other things? get in contact.

  • Want to get back a NFT for your contribution! This is Mirror my friend, you can buy this content and make it an NFT for you to store in your wallet. Also available with Religio and the Greater Vision article.

  • Want to come and govern ReligioDAO together with us? Come to our Rituals, ask access to our Telegram (Discord coming once we scale the community up to 150 members), and ask any RGT holder to vouch for your membership through our DAO app (to be onboarded on Q mainnet, here instructions and faucet).

Once you have your Religio Governance Token (RGT is a Soulbound Token, which means you won’t be able to transfer it nor to sell it), you will have to sign Religio’s constitution, which Purpose states as follow:

The purpose of the DAO is to orchestrate a harmonizing narrative that connects the reality between the material and spiritual realms of existence.Our core mission is to curate and govern the intellectual assets essential for crafting a narrative that connects the physical with the ethereal.We uphold principles of Ethereal Unity, Dynamic Continuum, Mirthful Profundity, and Fluid Doctrine, ensuring our digital wisdom aligns with humanity’s soulful evolution.Our governance embodies transparency, inclusivity, and reverence for diverse insights, fostering an ecosystem where ideas catalyze spiritual awakening and planetary regeneration. In stewarding these assets, we bridge seen and unseen worlds, nurturing a reality where materiality and spirituality synergize for a meaningful, purposeful existence.

Our Tenants and Core Believes?

  1. Ethereal Unity: In our digital sanctum, all beliefs come together, converging into a radiant beam of spiritual unity. The meta and the material, the past and the possible – we’re all One.

  2. Dynamic Continuum: Time is but a construct. ReligioDAO is where epochs merge, where ancient wisdom meets modern musings. Our past enlightens our present, shaping a resplendent future.

  3. Mirthful Profundity: Dive deep into the profound, but let’s not forget to come up for a chuckle. Laughter is a sacred echo, a divine affirmation.

  4. Fluid Doctrine: Like the perennial rivers, our beliefs aren’t static. They adapt, flow, and find their unique course, yet remain rooted in their sacred source.

More about our Creed in Religio’s Light Paper.

Other Considerations

Although we deeply believe in Decentralized Governance, we acknowledge it is subjected to attacks from bad actors. We are not worried about hard attacks on our narrative, as it would be evident to our trustworthy community if an attack happens, and we’ll have the proper mechanisms to safeguard our narrative from attacks charged with bad intentions, also ReligioDAO will be protected by’s pillars:

  • ReligioDAO’s constitution lays down the rules of the system.

  • Q’s system’s architecture - both on-chain and off-chain - ensures that these rules can actually be enforced.

  • A dispute resolution mechanism is in place to resolve conflicts if and when they occur (and they always do).

In order to protect ReligioDAO from Sybyll Attacks, a group of trustworthy Guardians, to be innitially selected by the summoner, and then by the Guardian’s body itself; will have veto powers over the token issuance, in order that Member’s would have the freedom to invite new members, but Guardians will be checking and validating new members are unique human beings.

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