I will be writing paragraph-sized takeaways on the following topics at the intersection of programmable money and public goods. This is my attempt at a hat-tip to those working to integrate economics, governance, technology, and culture to find ways to build and sustain public goods.
I will add references to articles, papers, projects, and people who have inspired me to understand this space. Buyer beware - this will be a biased view based on my limited exposure in my bubble and not an exhaustive list based on research.
Rochdale Principles of Cooperation
Tragedy of the Commons
Moloch - Human Coordination Failure
Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons
Decentralized Web
Exit to Community
Schelling Point
Mechanism Design
Understanding Decentralization
Understanding Autonomy
The DAO Design Space
Regenerative Cryptoeconomics
Coordination Mechanisms
Token Engineering
Impact DAOs