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The HCU Project - A Catalogue

Death: The Ultimate Party Crasher

It’s the bash no one's buzzing about. Screw silence—I’m smashing the taboo. Recognizing we’re all hitching a ride to the same dead end sharpens life’s focus.

Chaos Cataloguing

Tick-tock, the clock’s loud. I’m documenting my mayhem. A ledger of every lunatic idea I’ve lobbed into the abyss. Existence? Career? Family? Friends? Fleeting. But I’m compelled to leave an indelible smear.

Inspired by a Factory Records rave on Metalabel’s blog, I’m adopting the mantra: everything’s a drop, even your cat’s snaps.(see below)

Embracing the Madness

Embracing chaos, inconsistency’s my middle name. ‘Cause let’s face it, perfection’s for the gods. Helios/Ra/Who-the-hell-knows can keep his daily sky-galloping gig.

This is about owning my mess—every harebrained decision, every botch-up. I’m plotting my course, one fuck-up at a time.

Chaos Control

This chaos control cuts through the anxiety, keeping a leash on my brain’s wild offspring.

And knowing death’s the great equalizer? Gives me a chill pill about the whole mortality gig.

Airing the Dirty Laundry

But hey, I give a damn about this ride!

Hence, I’m airing my dirty laundry for posterity. Let this record of insanity be a lesson, or hell, maybe even crack life’s code.

Through the AI Lens

When I'm amplifying my thoughts through the AI lenses - if my thoughts aren’t laser-focused, they scatter to the wind.

Maybe, just maybe, this process will forge the cannon, launching thoughts that’ll snag your heart. 💘

Stirring the Pot

So, death’s on the docket. But till my number’s up, I’m here, stirring the pot. This catalogue? My legacy. Proof I lived, I dared, I fucked up, and damn, I mattered.

Here is the "#000 - HCU Catalogue" Drop:

The HCU (Human Collective Unconscious) Project: a voyage through my creative life’s brink.

Each indexed entry is part of a lineup of works that chart the territory of my existence, pushing my limits and marking a point in the frontier of art and technology, of man and his creations.

I will be retroactively indexing everything of mine that's online and I'm aware of, including this article and next time, I'll be detailing the 'Universal Visual Representations' for the HCU.

Cheers ya bastards. 🍻

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