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The Art of Wasted Time: Finding Value in the Unexpected

An Apology, A Reflection, and A Commitment to the Unmapped Journey Ahead

I dropped the ball. Big time. Left someone hanging. While I was off chasing my tail or whatever the hell I thought was more important. And the real kick in the teeth: I absolutely wasted their time. No sugarcoating this pill; I let it slip through my fingers like sand.

We’re all quick to slap a label on what it means to waste time, but let's flip the script. Is every minute not spent in productivity really a loss? Or is it in these uncharted waters, where we seemingly drift aimlessly, that we find the pieces of ourselves we didn’t know were missing?

I'm not advocating for a life of flaking out and pissing people off. That's not the point.

But this mess has got me thinking about the whole circus of time management and societal expectations. Yes, I screwed up. Yes, I need to make amends. But no, I'm not going to let this one slip-up define me or how I value my time and others'.

Sure, I’ve wandered. Eyes locked on distant horizons, maybe I did let someone down. But in wandering, I’ve found insights and inspirations in the most unexpected places.

This journey, punctuated by fuck-ups and so-called time wasting, has been mine to make.

To those tutting at my 'wasted' time: I’ve explored, failed, and learned. My path has been anything but straight, but the twists and turns have taught me more than a straight shot ever could.

Who's to judge my actions? These mistakes of mine, may lead to someone else's great decisions, for all I know.

So, to the person I let down: It wasn't right, it wasn't fair, and I'm going to make it up to you.

But I'm also going to keep questioning, keep pushing against the boundaries of what it means to use time wisely because, If seeking value in the unexpected, if learning from the fuck-ups is wasting time, then I’ll gladly waste more.

My time, my journey, my fuck-ups to make. In the end, isn't that what makes life interesting?

I'll leave you with this - someone once told me, "what's good is a life well lived, without a few regrets?", I took that personally.

Here's to all our regrets, Cheers! 🍻


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