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AI-Powered Job Hunting: Robot vs. Robot?

I just stumbled upon this new AI tool that's a job-hunting supercharger. It is pretty cool and maybe a little scary.

Here's how this AI wingman works its magic:

  1. You tell it what you're after - job titles, salary ranges, industries you prefer and those you refuse.

  2. You feed it an exhaustive version of your career history.

  3. It goes on a LinkedIn scavenger hunt, finding roles that match your wish list.

  4. When it spots a winner, it whips up a custom resume and cover letter tailored to that specific role.

  5. Then, it fills out the application and submits it complete with your tailored resume and cover letter.

  6. And because it never sleeps, it keeps at it. Again and again and again.

Nothing New Under the Sun... Or Is There?

That's just what we're supposed to do anyway, right? You're not wrong. The gold standard of job hunting has always been:

  • Customizing your resume for each role

  • Highlighting the parts of your experience that make a persuasive argument for you as a candidate

  • Making your resume into a highlight reel, not your life story

That's a ton of work. And even with all that effort, we all know how fickle the job market can be.

The Recruiter's Dilemma

Recruiters and HR folks are dealing with their own chaos:

  • Sifting through mountains of resumes

  • Trying to spot the needle in the haystack without picking a turd

  • Racing against time to fill roles

Their filtering techniques have evolved from "Oh, fancy school? Big-name company? You're in!" to complex heuristics scoring applications on multiple dimensions. It's not perfect, but I get it. They aren't trying to find the best candidate. They just want to find an adequate candidate and avoid making a bad hire. You could be an absolute star but if there are already acceptable candidates in the pipeline when you submit your application, you missed it.

AI to the Rescue? (Maybe?)

The best case for an application is always getting personal intro or separating yourself from the pack in some other way. But when you can't, job hunters can now play this game at scale too. It's like a high-tech battle royale:

  • Job hunter robots (these AI application tools) vs. recruiter robots (those scoring algorithms)

  • Your meticulously crafted AI applications vs. their state-of-the-art filtering systems

  • May the best algorithm win!

A Word of Caution

Now, I've heard about people getting temporary bans on LinkedIn for going a bit overboard with this tool. I still feel like I have to give it a try. For science. While working with AI, I've had moments of complete transcendence as well as utter stupidity. Where will this land? Oh, sweet baby Jesus, just please don't let it make something up.

The Real Takeaway

Whether you use this AI wizardry or not, here's the bigger picture:

  1. Document every win, no matter how small.

  2. We now have tools that can effectively summarize all the digital meeting notes, emails, and slack messages you are comfortable piping into it in order to providing fodder for review and promotion discussions.

  3. When you're ready for that dream job, you'll have a treasure trove of accomplishments to draw from.

So, what do you think? I will definitely share updates if I find the nerve to give this thing a go.

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