On “Community Sensemaking”: A Direct Response

What is it?

Orienting attention and giving a space for juxtaposing/synthesizing multiple perspectives and kinds of niche modifications (within and across individuals) of, by, for, with, (...insert other prepositions here...), in community.

How does it work?

Strictly in terms of “How”, the specific mechanisms of Community Sensemaking are exactly equally as infinite and diverse as are set of sensemaking situations related to communication (Management is wanting you to find you to find the difference in terms of scope between Community Sensemaking and Society & this is not an easily-addressed request). 

Who does it?

You right now (this parenthetical and the preceding three words are addressed to [your] attention [not necessarily “you”]). 

What does it feel like?

It feels LIKE: Justified True Belief that the contributions of others have made sense/difference/impact/relevance in a way analogous to your own contributions (though of course entirely differing in “minute particulars”) within that Community’s Information/Sensemaking Ecosystem. 

How do you know you’re doing it?

Sometimes it is only known in retrospect (e.g. in reflection only, not in “real-time”), and sometimes it is never known or acknowledged at all (many such cases!).  

How might it differ from Solo Sensemaking?

The response to this question is extremely informative about what people believe/express in terms of their mereotopological stance.

What sensemaking tools exist or are you building to serve communities?

Which ones exist? All kinds of bodies. Which are we building? I do not know (yet [or likely ever]).

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