Podcasting Stats That Will Blow Your Mind

Podcasting is broken; Web3 to the rescue

The podcasting industry is more broken than you realize.

Here are some crazy stats that’ll blow your mind:

26% of podcasts never make it past 10 episodes. Why?

Because podcasting relies on an old Web1 technology called RSS feeds. The poor analytics it provides frustrates podcasters because they’re under-monetized (if monetized at all) and challenged in booking top-tier guests. According to a Podchaser study,  a whopping 70% of podcasters are unhappy with their analytics.

Let’s go to the other side of the equation now, podcast listeners.

Did you know the average podcast listener spends almost 7 hours a week listening to podcasts? Wow, that’s a lot! In fact, the average American only spends about 3 hours with friends, so they’re spending more than twice as much time with their favorite podcasters. So, it makes sense when 82% of podcast listeners say they want a closer connection to their favorite podcasters. What do we do about this?

We need to bring 1999 to 2024. Web3 technology can fix analytics and it’s perfect for bringing podcast fans to their favorite podcasters by tokenized media consumption. And what’s the key to success?

The key is to do it in an “under the hood” kind-of-a-way, and that’s exactly what Media3 Labs is doing with Scoop3. Join us at the Scoop3 channel on Farcaster where we’re on a mission to bring podcast listeners closer to their favorite podcasters, and each other!  https://warpcast.com/~/channel/scoop3

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