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A (very) late payment.

Summer 2021: A few months before I discovered Web3.

I was working as a craftsman's assistant in construction under my sister's ex.

Let's call him Raf.

The guy had many flaws, some pretty serious, but somehow, I liked him; I'm not exactly sure why.

An excellent technician, he constructed my sisterā€™s house in about 45 days.

Iā€™m honestly not sure how heā€™s still alive, given that he started smoking at the age of seven and has survived numerous accidents, including one where he fell from the third floor of a construction site.

Basically, the type of person who has experienced more in his lifetime than others could in three.

So, there we were, working together, digging, priming, painting, and more.

It was hard work, exhausting.

We started at 7 AM and didn't get home until 3 PM, and then I had to work two other part-time jobs from home.

I donā€™t think the monthly income from all these jobs even reached four figures.

Anyway, one Monday after we finished work and returned home, I received a late-night message.

He said that someone had broken his car and stolen all of his tools, so he wouldn't be able to work for some time, and he would leave for the Netherlands.

I don't think I'll. ever lose a job like that, literally out of nowhere.

He told me to come to my place and give me the last day's money.

I said something like, "Yeah, whenever you want."

But he never came, and I haven't seen him since the last day we worked together.

The years passed, and there were many occasions in my life, unfortunately, that I could really use this money.

You know, sometimes the circumstances make us not ask for things even if we've earned them.


April 2024:

I'm chilling at home, and my sister comes in, bringing some eggs from her husband's village.

And then, she sits next to me and puts some money in my hand, saying: Here's your wage.

I thought she was joking cuz I'm poor and unemployed (that's what she thinks at least), so I tried to return them.

She gave me that "Figure it out already, you dumbass" look.

And I figured..

"You're kidding, right? That's Raf??"

She said that they met for coffee, and at some point, Raf asked her, How's your brother doing?

I think I owe him some money.

My sister knew about it, so she confirmed.

Raf brings out his wallet, making my sister feel uncomfortable and trying to convince him otherwise.

But he insisted, saying:

Your brother has earned them.

And as you can imagine, the whole thing blew my mind.

One of the most unreliable guys I've ever met, he still remembers that he owes a daily wage to someone after all those years.

Some people have a weird mix of principles.

I texted him with thanks and said that I would buy drinks and cheer for his health with that money.

He responded: Do something better

That hit hard, ngl, since I think he was an alcoholic at some point.

And I was wondering what to do because it ain't anything grant, just a day's wage.

But then I thought, "Well, I can do both."

You see, tomorrow there's a self-organized party happening on Athens Hill.

An initiative to gather money for a friend's life-changing surgery.

So I will go to the bar and buy 1-2 drinks with that money and dance with my friends.

I know it ain't much...

But it's honest work


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