A Historic First for DAOs!

Updates of happenings at SpiritDAO over the past two weeks.

SpiritDAO's Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Historic First

Over the past two weeks SpiritDAO Members proposed and voted on a motion to edit the SpiritDAO chapter of Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis. The motion passed and has officially been implemented. The ebook, audiobook, and web versions have been updated to reflect this latest chapter entry. Ron and Steph are collaborating on editing the PDF due to some technical challenges but it should be finished shortly.

This marks a historic first as no other DAO has collaboratively edited a non-fiction book and published its results. It further reinforces the intent of the text being community owned and stewarded, that our spiritual philosophy, practice, and wisdom protocols should evolve alongside us.

Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis Lectures

Ron Rivers has been conducting lectures on Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis as part of the University of South Florida OLLI Program. The complete lecture series contents and slides have been uploaded to the SpiritDAO community drive, accessible to members via our Guild.xyz portal.

  • A Practical Analysis of the Metacrisis

  • Time and the Divinity of the Moment

    There are two remaining lectures will take place over the following two Thursdays.

A Call to Action

Have you been following along with our newsletters but have yet to share space with us? 2024 is a community building year for SpiritDAO, and we want you to be a part of it.

We hold weekly spaces on Wednesday's and Friday's at 4PM EST. Click either of the links to add the time to your calendar. Wednesday's we explore our philosophy and practices through real world examples and group discussions. Friday's are DAO business and a great opportunity to learn more about our operations.

You do not need to hold a membership to attend!


https://singletruth.org/ Has been updated with the revised SpiritDAO chapter approved in last week's vote.

Lectures added to YouTube + over 50 "Shorts" have been clipped and scheduled for posting.

Updated our newsletter, twitter, and YouTube banners!

Renewed SpiritDAO.eth for four more years.

Our Artizen Fund Season 3 fundraise came to a close. Our stats were as follows:
2.13 raised: Ξ1.35 sales + Ξ0.78 match. Once we receive the matching funds Ron Rivers will transfer the remaining balance to the community vault.

Thank you for reading!
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