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New Frontiers, New Opportunities

A launch of a our first formal nonprofit effort.

SpiritDAO's Bi-Monthly Newsletter

New Frontiers, New Opportunities

We completed a short but very successful fundraiser as part of the Octant and GreenPill Network (with a heartfelt shoutout to GreenPill Ottawa). SpiritDAO ended the round as one of the top fundraisers and is now eligible for a percentage match of a 10ETH pool.

A portion of the funds will support community members actively furthering our efforts to connect with traditional philanthropic organizations around the upcoming release of our whitepaper authored by Ron Rivers (member) and Eleazar Adjehoun.

SpiritDAO is an official sponsor of the whitepaper (in coordination with our funding for its spread). A bonus 10-page case study all about SpiritDAO will be included for readers to access at no cost (outside of information) to help boost awareness towards our shared purpose and efforts. The intent is to create a web3 onboarding/pilot service that can serve foundations looking to experiment with pilot programs.

This direction serves to advance our second core purpose, creating community value. We're prioritizing our foundation, ensuring that our operations, outreach, and future events can be sustained. It's a "long-game" approach, but as we explore in our text, there is no denying our inheritance of the moment. Spreading our message, building community value, and furthering the Eight Dignities requires resources. This is one potential path of many we seek to develop for our community.

If you would be interested in participating in this working group, let us know in our telegram or discord, seems like the perfect opportunity for a Pod!

SpiritDAO <> Limicon 2024 P2

We've been making great connections at Limicon and have enjoyed the conference.

On 3/13/24, Ron Rivers gave a presentation titled Introduction to SpiritDAO, which was well attended and received. Unfortunately, he forgot to hit the record button! Given its popularity, we are exploring how to spread this type of session with a strong focus on our infrastructure, protocol, and operations.

While it's vital to grow our community, we understand that service is a multifaceted act, and being able to empower others towards a shared vision of the good is a worthy pursuit. If you know of a space that might be interested in learning more about our approach to infrastructure and community please let us know!


We're completely divested from any/all member finances! SpiritDAO is now a fully independent nonprofit organization! With the establishment of a bank account we have crossed into a territory many DAOs never realize, one vital to realizing our purposes. Expect further structural clarification to follow on how this impacts our operation.

Fundraise Complete:

Whitepaper nearly complete, here is the tentative design:

We token-gated access to our Debit Card/bank info for Executive Pod members via our collab hub.

Setup our community vault multi-sig to primarily operate on Optimism. We're were suffering from some high transaction fees operating on the Ethereum L1 so this will significantly reduce our transaction fees. Note that our recent fundraise will transfer funds on OP, so there is already some capital on that chain!

Addressed some legal issues around the transfer of the SpiritDAO trademark. At the time of this writing we believe it to be successfully completed.

Thank you for reading!
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