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Outreach and Onboarding

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SpiritDAO's Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Outreach and Onboarding

SpiritDAO activity presently comprises a small but mighty group of regulars who connect consistently to explore metaspirituality in various directions and our operations furthering our shared visions of spreading spiritual alternative. In a recent Town Hall meeting, members explored ideas for how better to serve our ever-growing periphery of SpiritDAO curious peoples.

Our vision with SpiritDAO is to develop an engaged cohort of nine founding members who lay the foundation for onboarding the next 100. This would empower at least three active pods and allow for the specialization of focuses we presently lack.

To that end, we'd love your support and insights.

SpiritDAO's Onboarding Process is documented in our Collaboration Hub (Charmverse), it's a pretty basic process (a combination of self-guided and communal learning and space sharing) that members are able to access at no cost. Onboarding is a path to verified membership, providing members with governance rights. Non-verified members can still participate in a wide variety of DAO engagements and activities, but given our infancy, the proof of humanity our onboarding supports is a necessary step.

If you've been following our progress, we'd love to better understand what's holding you back from being more active in our community. Is it a lack of information or information overload? Is something about our philosophy and practice not resonating, or is it just a lack of free moments? Do you not understand what we're working towards, or do you understand but think it can be improved?

There are no wrong answers, but we'd appreciate your insights wherever you land.

Can you take 3 minutes and share some feedback with us today?

Anon Feedback Form

Did you know?

SpiritDAO Members can request books and graphic novels at no cost to themselves!

Not a member but want a single copy for you or a friend? Connect with us in our Telegram, Discord, or Twitter! We'll happily send you a physical copy!


We've added a section to our artifact distribution charts to track the physical stock of inventory. This was in response to a recent proposal passing around ordering new books, only to have Ron find a few more boxes!

SpiritDAO formally filed a trademark for our Symbol. Learn more about our symbology.

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