We’re back. This week we’re releasing two intro episodes. We’ve been thinking deeply about the way to best orient listeners. There will be a variety of intro episodes as well as deep dives.
As you listen send feedback! We’d love to create the content you find most valuable.
As a primer, here are some great questions my Mom had on the phone yesterday:
What’s the best analogy to describe the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum?
”Bitcoin is a simple transaction system. Accounts can hold and send BTC to other accounts. Ethereum is a conditional transaction system. People can create applications on Ethereum using Solidity, the smart contract language that sets transfer logic. This logic could represent collective decision making around resources (like voting in a DAO) or can create systems of debt (like earning interest via loans in Defi).”
How long have cryptocurrencies been around?
“Bitcoin started from a paper published in 2009 and launched in 2010. Ethereum launched in 2015. Most everything else came around in 2017 (aside from a few projects in 2016).”
How many cryptocurrencies are there?
“There are thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of cryptocurrencies.”
We hope you enjoy the latest episodes of Square 1!