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Spreading Kindness and Altruism in the Digital Art World

How Farcaster is a Vibe, not a Platform

Historically on social media platforms, kindness has never been rewarded. In fact, the algorithms of the modern web boost division and seem to penalize anything fun and real. Ever since joining Farcaster, I have noticed something unique. Something very different. It isn't just a place where artists can share and interact, it's also a place where kindness isn't just's transformative.

A Kind Word: The Ripple Starter

Picture this: a new artist posts their work, heart pounding. They get a warm, encouraging comment. That’s not just words; it's a virtual high-five. It starts a chain reaction of positivity, where encouragement becomes the norm. Kindness here isn't just felt—it's passed on, creating a community where everyone wants to contribute. Obviously $degen tips have become a focus, but lets not even look at that right now. I view that as just another mechanism of this kindness.

It goes beyond likes. It’s about sharing expertise and feedback with no strings attached. It’s experienced artists dropping knowledge bombs in posts, not for claps, but to uplift others. This altruism weaves a safety net that turns the competitive into the cooperative, elevating EVERYONE'S game. As artists, we have often viewed each other as competition. This is entirely the wrong mindset.

Remember back when Facebook and Twitter were first growing up and all the tech bros promised that it had the power to generate real positive change in the world? Connecting the disconnected and all that bullshit? We all ate it up. Don't feel bad...the entire world swallowed that pill.

Farcaster is showing us in real-time that the social internet CAN be a force for good, where art and kindness intersect to enrich lives—digitally and beyond. It’s a reminder that behind every screen, there’s a person who can make or break someone’s day with just a few keystrokes. I'll say that again for the people in back...BEHIND EVERY SCREEN IS A PERSON.

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