What's happening INSIDE THE DEN

News and Updates for Week of May 15, 2023

This is my first try at a Newsletter so let me know your feedback as I continue to build this out!

Lets dive in, we have a lot to cover!!

  1. TGA gets a new iteration

    1. 3 Pillars Health Wealth and Wisdom

  1. Education is on Success Finder

    1. https://thesuccessfinder.com/the-guardian-academy

  1. Community is on Discord

    1. https://discord.gg/fEc9NZEXuW

  1. Check out the Teammate series

    1. Wolf Pack Teammate Series

First, we are going to introduce our Cornerman, Dr. Jeff Spencer.

Dr. Jeff was the performance and mindset coach for all 9 Tour De France victories. When U2 has a long tour they don't think they will make it through, Bono calls in Dr. Jeff Spencer to keep the band (team) together. Jeff is a very close friend of TGA and attends every event. He will be leading the teammate series. 

Remember... live to learn give to earn. Share your takeaways and 6WUs as you work through it. 

  1. 6WU

  1. Nick Doc

  2. Anne

  1. Dan Nicholson 

    1. TGA Wealth Wizard and author of the best-selling "Rigging The Game" shares why so many people are running a race against themselves

  1. Wolf Den has Creator Tournament

    1. Start of the Creation Braket

  1. Results of the first 2 rounds

  1. Wolfpup 0

    1. Diffusion of Innovation

  1. Doc the Wolf daily 6WU Collection

    1. 6 Word Update Collection

  1. Doc The Wolf is available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon

  1. Jeremy Bennet - Forged by Fire

  1. Scott Perry and Laurel Portie doing a Masterclass

    1. Wednesday May 17, 2023

  1. Pup To No Good Journey continues!!

    1. https://www.puptonogood.xyz/forgottenforest

      1. Sage the Puzzle Master is a huge help inside the Jail Break Channel

  2. #Wolfish search on Twitter

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