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Paragraph XYZ Tips and Tricks for the Beginner

Mastering the Basics: A Beginner's Guide to Mastering Powerful Tools on Paragraph and Posting your First Piece of Content



If you've ever used WordPress or Microsoft Word, you're right at home with Paragraph. There are a few different tools here, but they're easy to learn and can be very powerful when used correctly.

The Basics

Once you're in the dashboard, click new post. That'll bring you to the editor. I like starting with an outline. You can either type that out yourself or go to an LLM and ask it to draft an outline for you, telling it to include the heading tag types for each section (H1, H2, H3).

Your Go-To Menu

To find your editing tools, just type "/", which will bring up a wide variety of options. The options you use most will probably be the Heading tags and image upload options. It's pretty simple: just select the tool and go to town.

AI Tools

With Paragraph's built-in AI, you can have a blog post in seconds, although I wouldn't recommend this. Instead, use the AI as your guide to get shit done.

Just type out your title, then use the star button (figure 1)

post image
Figure 1

to generate both a subtitle and a first draft. You can even do that with the heading image (I did that with this article). Super simple, easy process and if the draft doesn't look good sometimes it's interesting to see what the AI generates and it can give you ideas for additional content to add to your article.

Advanced Embeds

If you want to showcase a YouTube video, you can easily do that by typing "/YouTube."

If you think your post has a shot at going viral, you can add the "collect post" button by typing "/collect post." Feel free to collect this one even though it's kind of junk but hopefully helpful to new writers.

Another cool feature is the embeds. Here, I'm embedding a couple of my favorite artists:





Posting Your Article

Once you're finished, click continue in the top right:

post image

That'll bring you to this page:

post image

Looking at the options, here's what I usually do:

  • Customize the slug so it's more SEO-friendly (if necessary)

  • Make sure you're listed as the author

  • Add a min of three relevant tags

  • Make sure the preview is interesting (you can put your article in an LLM and ask it to summarize it to a 500-character or less engaging summary)

Advanced Settings

Click Advanced Settings, that'll bring you to this page:

post image

Make sure enable collectibles is toggled on if you want people to be able to mint your article. All mint fees will be sent back to the original author. I'll be checking mints monthly and sending ETH to authors. Proof below:

post image
post image

When you're all done, hit Publish Now, and your content will be out there for everyone to enjoy!

I would recommend clicking the share to farcaster option or you can just copy/paste the article link to a new farcaster cast.

Last but not Least

Remember to have fun and to subscribe below (it's free). Don't be a perfectionist, and keep in mind that there's only one of you in the world. Everybody has something unique and exciting to share that we can learn from and enjoy.

NFT Image

Collect this post as an NFT.

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