ENS support on Mobile Media Publishing

the mobile-first interface for onchain media built on zora's hyperstructure.

OnchainMagic is

  • mobile first

  • media focused (music, videos, graphics)

  • expanding ethereum (zora / base / OP / etc)

  • ENS supported

mobile first

In 2024, an estimated 56% of global internet traffic will originate from mobile devices, while desktops will contribute 39%. The remaining 5% will be attributed to emerging technologies like smart TVs and IoT devices. Why is onchain infrastructure designed first for desktop when market share is largest on mobile?

Most interfaces for onchain infrastructure are designed for desktop. Mobile experiences are painful. Switching to an external wallet app is clunky. While Zora’s desktop experience has a sleek, Apple-like feeling. I feel embarrassed collecting art on zora’s website on mobile. I see red X telling me my wallet is disconnected after I mint. I jump from zora to metamask back to zora. From there, zora sends me a signature to verify, pushing me back to metamask. Wait for the signature. Back to zora. What was I coming here to do again? I feel unloved, frustrated & rejected.

How can we build more fun interfaces on mobile-first publishing onchain? Instagram & Tiktok do an amazing job creating a clean and simple publishing interface offchain. They are a design baseline I’ve been following up to now. The design may be skumorphic to old traditions, but, as a 1-3 person team, I’m doing the best with what I’ve got. Are there better, mobile-first, models we should be examining for onchain media publishing?

media focused

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, artists have been struggling to get compensated on platforms to live a sustainable living. This problem is true globally, but I’ve been seeing the problem first-hand. Spotify pays musicians pennies on the $0.003 – $0.005 per stream on average. For musicians in cities such as Buenos Aires, Argentina, those payments are even smaller. How can we build onchain infrstructure in which there is more equitable payments for creators vs the platforms they use?

Protocol rewards on public hyperstructures are proving to be a successful model for small communities growing online & onchain. Zora pays musicians 0.000333ETH ($0.66) per collect on Free Mints from their total mint fee of 0.000777ETH. 43% of fees go directly & instantly to creators globally. What does this actually look like in practice?

I went to a concert last night where musicians in Buenos Aires earned more $$$ from 2 collectors listening at a live event than they’ve received in 2+ years publishing their music on Spotify. These musicians will come back and put more music on Zora. They will want an easy way to discover & collect music. Possibly in an interface that feels familiar, like Instagram Reels of the TikTok feed. How can we help make it as simple as possible for creators and collectors to participate in the growing marketplace for onchain media?

expanding ethereum

Ethereum mainnet is expensive. Current price to publish a contract on Ethereum mainnet is $79.75 as I write this. For musicians in Buenos Aires, that’s over half a month’s rent payment. The current options, on Ethereum, are to:

  1. pay half my rent

  2. publish media onchain

Any responsible parent will skip this onchain nonsense & focus on rent. The barrier to entry is too high. How can we expand ethereum to make it more accessible?

OP stack is inexpensive. Current price to publish a contract on Base or Zora mainnet is $1.11. Or, roughly cafe con leche con una medialuna. The decision becomes much easier on OP stack.

  1. buy a cup of coffee

  2. try out this new tool

OP stack expands Ethereum as a rollup on top of it. The costs to experiment are low & accessible to creators globally. Composability is key here. With Zora paying creators 0.000333ETH, creators only need to find 2 collectors of my free collectible for publishing costs to break even. Most musicians in Buenos Aires could survive on 777 collectors buying 1, free, piece of media each month. How can we make it as easy for musicians to get discovered onchain?

ENS supported

Online naming services are a public good. Creators know the value of being easily discovered. Being in the top 10 results on Google, or on social media, can drive major success for a creative’s work. ENS is public infrastructure trusted by musicians to interact onchain. With ENS being deployed on Ethereum mainnet, applications face a challenge when identifying creators on other chains.

This is a solved application-level challenge. Good apps already know to reference mainnet, even if the address is being used on another network. Most apps simply don’t know, or have the resources, to support ENS identity on their applications. How can we make it easier for developer-level tooling to natively support onchain identity in their applications?


Onchain Magic is currently in the early release stages in Argentina. Our goal is to produce the most fun place to create and collect on Zora when you’re on your phone. From live events to studio sessions, we’re helping musicians get paid onchain.

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