Making Web3 Social Easier for Musicians and Collectors with LensMaticWrapper

Our passion at Riff has always been in supporting talented musicians and creating a smoother experience for their fans.

Our hypothesis: Music is Social.

Today, we’re excited to share with you LensMaticWrapper by Riff - a solution that simplifies the use of Web3 social for musicians and collectors on Lens Protocol.

This is already live on Riff.

You can try it today by collecting music (priced in WMATIC) when you don’t have any WMATIC in your wallet.

We’ll automatically wrap it for you and let you collect the song in one, single, step.

In this post, we'll explore the challenges faced by users, previous solutions, our hypothesis, the implementation of the LensMaticWrapper contract by Riff, the challenges we faced, and the final result.


WMATIC is a confusing aspect of Web3 social for musicians, which creates friction and can deter potential users.

The complexity of understanding and using WMATIC tokens often leads to a less-than-ideal experience for artists and collectors alike.


Uniswap is a decentralized exchange that allows collectors to swap tokens.

Previously, collectors would have to leave the current platform and visit Uniswap to swap their tokens, making the process cumbersome and less user-friendly.

Uniswap - Wrap MATIC to WMATIC

A Wrapper Contract

We hypothesized that a wrapper contract could provide a more seamless experience by enabling users to auto-swap and collect in a single transaction without leaving the platform.

This would work with all existing posts on Lens and minimize friction and make Web3 social more accessible to musicians and collectors.

The LensMaticWrapper Contract

The LensMaticWrapper contract we've created at Riff streamlines the process of swapping and collecting WMATIC tokens.

By integrating this contract into the platform, users can easily swap their tokens and collect in a single, simple transaction.

collectWithSig method in LensMaticWrapper contract


TypedData on Lens During the implementation process, we encountered several challenges.

The Lens Protocol checks a user's balance and throws an error if the balance is insufficient.

To overcome this hurdle, we had to build our own typedData for signatures, which was a complex task.

Lens Dev Garden Telegram Chat

The Result

With the LensMaticWrapper contract in place, collectors who don't have enough WMATIC can now auto-swap and collect in a single, easy, transaction.

This streamlined process not only makes it more convenient for collectors but also enhances the overall user experience on the platform.

Swapping MATIC => WMATIC and collecting Lens Post in one, single, transaction


LensMaticWrapper is a testament to our commitment at Riff to simplifying the Web3 social experience for musicians and collectors.

By addressing the challenges associated with WMATIC and previous solutions like Uniswap, we've created a more user-friendly platform that encourages wider adoption.

As we continue to explore and innovate in this space, we look forward to making even more exciting advancements that support the next generation of music.

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