notes: reading code from m1guel

why am I reading M1guel’s code?

M1guel is building an app every day on Lens Protocol. I want to grow as a dev as well as understand web3 social media built in the Ethereum scaling ecosystem (Polygon sidechain). Instead of starting from zero, I want to study a successful dev who’s already laid down a base camp.

Today I started by looking at M1guel’s Leaderboard app:

How do I filter this on Mint Songs data?

Okay, I obviously need to dig deeper into understanding the Typescript, but what’s my goal? I want to filter the existing Leaderboard code to only show Lens Profiles that own a Mint Songs token. How do I:

  • Filter Lens Profiles based on NFT ownership?

  • Add a “Mint Songs” tab to this list?

  • Minimize the number of blockchain queries?

Next Steps:

  1. Log the overall response from the current graphQL query.

    1. seek first to understand.

  2. Add a “Mint Songs” tab with no functionality.

    1. do the simplest thing that could possible work.

  3. Filter Lens Profiles based on NFT ownership.

    1. start with the end in mind.

random thoughts

  • oh cool, localhost:3000, shows the same experience as prod.

    • out-of-box perfection.

    • super easy to start.

  • Typescript - my nemesis.

    • How should I respond? I’ll need to rip this out. Well, you say you like learning. What if you learned Typescript? just for this project, pretend Typescript is perfect & seek to understand.

  • How does the Leaderboard query Lens Protocol?

    • src/queries/explore-profiles.ts - uses graphQL.

      • import { gql } from '@apollo/client'

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