Nouns to Party Protocol

how to use createParty

Today we started migrating Fam to Party Protocol.

First call I needed to test was the createParty method. Before, Fam was calling the deploy method on the Nouns Public Manager. I want to update that call to use createParty so communities on Fam are parties instead of nouns auctions.

Party Documentation


I like to use thirdweb to verify I know how to make a call and work backwards to write the code. Here's the parameters I used in thirdweb (base sepolia) to call createParty

Party Impl (found on Github)

Authorities (sweetman.eth)


	"governance": { 
		"hosts": ["0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38"],
		"voteDuration": "172800",
		"executionDelay": "86400",
		"passThresholdBps": "5000",
		"totalVotingPower": "100000000000000000000",
		"feeBps": "1000",
		"feeRecipient": "0xcfBf34d385EA2d5Eb947063b67eA226dcDA3DC38"
	"proposalEngine": { 
		"enableAddAuthorityProposal": true, 
		"allowArbCallsToSpendPartyEth": true, 
		"allowOperators": true, 
		"distributionsConfig": "1"
	"name": "PARTY", 
	"symbol": "FAM", 
	"customizationPresetId": "0" 

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