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Web3 Publishing

Are Bitcoin Ordinals Ethereum Killers?

Cabin builds the world's first network city

Bitcoin passes Solana and becomes the second most popular blockchain for NFTs. Is Bitcoin the latest Ethereum killer? Bitcoin Ordinals have certainly changed the game for bitcoin. Until now, BTC has been seen primarily as an electronic cash alternative. BRC-20 tokens makes it so much more, but instead of killing Ethereum, they could just become another Ethereum NFT alternative. But will they edge out Optimism and Polygon as reasonable alternatives? Probably not. What they could do is lead the next bull run and drive BTC's price toward that $100,000 mark that has been predicted for so long. Along with that, of course, will be network fees through the roof.

Ether staking gains new interest.

Cabin builds the first network city and celebrates its second anniversary. I'm proud to say that I am one of the first people to explore the journey the Cabin DAO has been taking for the last couple of years. While I've earned a modest amount of the DAO's tokens, those tokens have appreciated in value since I've owned them. Still, they are not enough to earn me citizenship in the city. I may have to spend some USD, or ETH, to gain that privilege if I want it today. But what this DAO has achieved in two years is remarkable. If you have not explored what Cabin is all about, I urge you to do so. In my book, this is better than Forefront and Friends With Benefits combined.

Polygon partners with De.Fi with network antivirus program.

Coinbase Cloud becomes Chainlink network node operator. A marriage made in Purgatory.

Ledger delays key-recovery service.

Gemini gets a warning from Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission.

Tornado Cash lost control of its governance token due to an attack from an unknown hijacker. The attacker offers to undo the damage and TORN rises in value. This is plain nuts. What idiots buy a token after a malicious actor offers to return the tokens he stole? Instead of seeking quick profits from an unfortunate event, these people should be seeking justice. The whole event signifies the fragility of decentralized finance in a very practical way.

BlockFi has been ordered to withdraw reorganization plan.

Sorare is carving a new path for French gamers due to strict NFT regulations.

Cosmos has introduced a new NFT standard across multiple blockchains.

How long does it take to become a meme coin millionaire? If you don't watch out, scam coins will put you in poverty.

Swell has become one of the fastest growing liquid staking protocols with the launch of Voyage.

After a user on Hive spread a rumor about MetaMask collecting taxes on transactions, I had to see for myself. It turns out, they're not. It seems fake news and nasty rumors are just likely to catch hold on Web3 as on Web2.

Dispersion Capital wants to take Web3 to the masses with new venture fund. I'm suspicious of anything that purports to "take Web3 to the masses", particularly if it involves venture capital.

8 ways crypto exchanges can address liquidity concerns.

New York Times bestselling author Joseph Nassise launched a book titled An Unexpected Withdrawal through The Quest for Evolution. The really cool thing about this is NFT collectors buy character profiles on OpenSea and receive the privilege of helping Nassise tell the story by writing parts of it. I might have participated if it wasn't on the Ethereum main chain, and the prices of the NFTs were just a little bit more than I was willing to pay, especially when you consider gas fees. Nevertheless, it's a really cool idea.

Speaking of NFT books, there are still 4 copies of my book Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!) on Readl. Get yours today!

How ChatGPT makes the Web3 identity crisis very real. This article poses a very good question. If ChatGPT, or artificial intelligence programs, are able to spoof real people, will zero-knowledge proofs be enough to engender trust among real people and companies online who want to protect their identities while engaging in decentralized activities? In other words, given that AI is powerful enough to pretend to be you, and make a convincing case that it is you, can it bypass the strongest identity protection and trust protocols to make its case? This question is worth pondering, and it poses a magnificent problem for developers to solve.

30 things about Web3 game development you may not already know.

A company in Des Moines, Iowa is suing an Arizona company alleging false advertising in a "bitcoin scheme." Without more particulars on this case, it's difficult to know if there was anything illegal about this so-called scheme. On the surface, it looks like the Arizona company may at least be guilty of filing fraudulent business documents in Iowa.

Nanjing, China launches metaverse platform.

In the latest episode of Defluenced, Unkle Bonehead (@unklebonehead) and I discuss Web3 monetization. Specifically, our discussion centers around the pros and cons of NFTs versus rewards as methods of content monetization.

Be Among the Elite

Get the first token-gated Paragraph book with a Mirror token access. Diamonds and Pearls: The History of the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies explores the changes among the top 10 cryptocurrencies year by year and quarter by quarter since the launch of bitcoin in 2009. This special edition is only available at Paragraph and only with a special access token minted at Mirror. Only 12 mints total (and half of them are gone). Get yours today.

If that isn't your cup of tea, be among the precious few who collect the NFT of Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!) at Readl. Just 4 more mints left.

The audiobook also launched on Audible this week.

Views from Web3

@bitcoinflood wants to tell you why artificial intelligence and Web3 go together like apple and pie.

Torum's The Abundant Squirrel shares the free app that lets you identify birds by type using AI. If it works, that's pretty cool.

@hiro-hive thanks the Hive community for helping spread the word about the Hive community's open letter to Presearch inviting the decentralized search engine to join the Hive blockchain.

Startup Podcast PH interviews @kencode about his vision for Cast.Garden. This is an absolute must listen-to. Ken Code knows a lot of stuff, has a lot of experience, and created an awesome dapp.

@keenyetheunusual introduces himself on Hive.

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Paragraph is a new Substack alternative newsletter management platform that allows creators like me to create content for multiple communities seamlessly with a combination of Web2 and Web3 tools. Unfortunately, since it is in beta there are a few bugs. Being a beta tester, I have the privilege of testing the platform to help them work out the bugs. I really appreciate your patience as we go through this process, but I hope you love my content enough to stick around.

Thanks for reading!

Allen Taylor

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