How Many Web3 Creators Do You Know?

Recommend your favorite Web3 creators and get a free trial subscription to premium content

Judging from the response of Wednesday’s Cryptocracy, I’d say that Web3 creator opportunities are a favored topic among readers. That issue was the most popular issue of Cryptocracy I’ve had in a while. That includes readers well beyond my subscriber base to include searches, social media referrals, and the Substack network effect.

I’ve learned three things from the reception of that Cryptocracy edition:

  1. People love to read about other people just like them. This is actually something I learned as a newspaper editor years ago, but it’s worth noting. Writers love to read about other writers who are doing interesting things. Musicians love to learn about other musicians. Graphic artists, videographers, and creators of all kinds like to read about and learn about others who are moving in the same circles.

  2. When people see their name in print, they are more likely to become readers and subscribers. Again, I learned this two decades ago while working as a newspaper editor. However, being a content entrepreneur drives this point home even more for me.

  3. People will comment on and share content that is interesting and highlights the best of the best.

Going forward, I’d like to highlight more interesting creators working within the Web3 space. If you know creators with specific talents — from musical to graphical, from video to audio, from dance to business — I’d like to know about it. Whether musicians, podcasters, graphic artists, vloggers, NFT creators, choreographers, or some other type of creator, I want to meet the most creative and talented creators working in the Web3 space, and I’m willing to pay for it.

Starting today, anyone who recommends a Web3 creator to me will receive a free 3-month subscription to premium Cryptocracy content if I make contact with and highlight that creator in a future issue of Cryptocracy.

Here’s how to take advantage of this offer, help me out, and boost the confidence of a Web3 creator you admire:

  • If you are a current subscriber to Cryptocracy, like this post and share it on at least one social media profile of yours;

  • If you are not a current subscriber to Cryptocracy, become a subscriber at SubstackMirror, or Paragraph;

  • Then like the post on Substack and/or collect it on Mirror, and share the post from one of the three platforms to at least one of your social networks;

  • Send an email to me at or a private DM on Discord to cryptocracy#7537 with your recommendation.

Once I confirm your recommendation, make contact with the Web3 creator, and determine they are a good fit for highlighting on Cryptocracy, I’ll gift you with a 3-month subscription to my premium content on Substack. Currently, premium content is only available on Substack, but there are plans to include it on Paragraph (and possibly Mirror) at a later date.

Premium content currently consists of the full text of Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!) and the entirety of an unpublished book I wrote last year titled Diamonds and Pearls: History of the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies By Market Cap. Future premium content is currently in the works.

As a premium subscriber of Cryptocracy, you’ll get additional benefits and perks as they are developed.

I’m looking forward to finding the best Web3 creators and introducing them to Cryptocracy readers in the future.


Cryptocracy is a decentralized newsletter published several times a week. I curate the latest news and crypto analysis from some of the brightest minds in crypto, and sometimes offer a little insightful and snarky commentary. Always fresh, always interesting, and always crypto. Original articles on Fridays.

First published at Cryptocracy. Not to be construed as financial advice. Do your own research.

Image credit: Pexels

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