Web3 Earnings for March 2023

Some new entrants as Coil sunsets

I’ve made no secret of my intentions to scale down my focus on Web3 projects. That is, to reduce the number to which I post each issue of Cryptocracy. I’m drilling down to the best platforms and sticking with those. Currently, I would list the following Web3 social media platforms as my highest priority. That’s not to say this won’t change. There are a few up-and-coming platforms that look promising. But today, these are my favorite:

  • Hive - Truly decentralized, Hive was my biggest earner last month.

  • Mirror - Mirror shows great promise for turning content into NFTs and using them to produce gated experiences.

  • Paragraph - I’m just getting started with Paragraph, but I like having the ability to embed NFTs into my newsletter content. I do plan to offer some token-gated content for my subscribers. This could potentially replace my Substack.

  • Publish0x - Publish0x is a steady earner for me and always has been.

  • gFam - gFam continues to earn me XRP, and I’m bullish on XRP.

Now, without further ado, here are my earnings from March.

Actifit (AFIT)

Primarily from walking, I was able to earn 119.946 AFIT tokens on the Hive blockchain’s activity tracker app. Unfortunately, AFIT tokens aren’t worth much. That translates into 0.0051672. As you can see, less than a penny.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $0.00

gFam (XRP)

Until recently, I was able to turn my content on gFam into dollars through Coil, but Coil sunset its product in March. That’s okay, though, because I’ve always been able to earn more XRP in tips than what I was making in Coil dollars. My token earnings in March were 23.157 XRP. That translates into $12.3241554. Not too bad.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $12.32

Hive (HP/HBD)

Let’s talk about Hive.

I managed to pull in 278.506 in Hive Power (HP) and 2.451 in Hive-backed dollars (HBD). That translates into $114.6609202 USD in HP and $2.4039408 USD in HBD.

This is a big jump from the $2.72 I made in February. But such a big jump?

I’ll attribute my earnings on the Hive blockchain to one thing. In January, I experimented with autovotes to see how my earnings would fare. But I limited my autovotes to 50% or less of the curation trails I followed. In February, I cancelled the autovotes. For March, I reinstituted them, but I changed my method of voting from weighted to fixed.

Weighted votes are votes set at a percentage of the curation trail’s vote. For instance, if a curation trail votes for a piece of content at 10% and I set my autovote at 50%, then that means my vote will be 5% (50% of 10%). Fixed voting means if I set my autovote to 50%, then my vote will be 50%.

I have to be careful with this because each vote requires resource credits, which are nonmonetary sets of value necessary to preserve blockchain resources. When a user’s resource credits gets down 0, they can’t post, comment, or like any more until their resource credits regenerate. Of course, I’ve been buying Hive a little at a time over the past few months to increase my HP, which is what resource credits are based on. As a result, I have quite a few resource credits to use for voting and autovoting.

Hive has hundreds of curation trails. I follow nine of them. With autovoting, I follow a curation trail and any posts that curation trail votes on, the Hive autovoter will vote on those posts at the weight I command it to. But I’m careful about the curation trails I follow and follow only those I trust. @Curie, for instance, is one of the best curation trails on Hive and fully trust it to find the best Hive content.

Autovoting has helped me increase my earnings on Hive and I intend to figure out how to optimize it for better earnings in an ethical manner.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $117.06

Publish0x (ETH/AMPL/SPOT)

As I’ve said before, Publish0x is a steady earning, month after month. My performance doesn’t change a lot. Someday, maybe I’ll tinker with my number of posts and optimize my earnings a little more. In March, though, I managed to earn 3.3669 AMPL, 0.00210132 ETH, and 7.0093 SPOT. That translates into $3.65, $3.77, and $7.99, respectively.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $15.41

Readl (MATIC)

Readl is a new addition. I added my book Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!) to the Readl platform to be minted as an NFT. I managed to sell 4 copies by the end of March for a total of 3.92 MATIC. I’ve since sold another copy.

My Readl earnings translates into $4.2728 in USD.

To mint Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!) for 1 MATIC, check it out on Readl.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $4.27

Torum (XTM)

I know I’m not making the most of Torum. I should be posting every day, but it feels too much like Facebook to me. One problem is the rewards are tied to how often you show up. You earn XTM just for logging into your account and earn XTM for logging in every day for a week. But if I have nothing to post on a certain day, I tend not to show up. I don’t want to show up just for the rewards.

In March, I earned 24 XTM. That translates into $0.43536.

I will likely cash out my Torum earnings and quit posting there even though I have quite a following and do get some engagement on my posts. I’m still thinking it through.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $0.43

Coil (USD)

As previously mentioned, Coil sunset its protocol. As of March 15, I’ve earned no more from the Coil protocol. For March, I earned 1 cent.

This will be the last time Coil ends up on this report.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $0.01

Presearch (PRE)

Presearch is not a social media platform, but I report on it because I do earn from my searches. The number of searches I conduct each month depend on how much freelance work I have and the type of work I’m doing. If I’m researching a book to write, then I’ll have more searches. If I’m writing client blog posts, white papers, and other research-focused content, I’ll have more searches. In March, I earned 25.56 PRE. That translates into $2.67102.

Monthly earnings (rounded down) = $2.67

Paragraph, Mirror, and Cent Pages

While I have minted NFTs on Paragraph and Mirror, I have not yet earned from them. Most of my Mirror NFTs are free to collect. Occasionally, I’ll post one and ask for a minimal fee, but none of those have sold yet.

On Paragraph, I’ve only minted one audio embed NFT, in this post. No one has collected it yet.

I’m still in the experimental stage on these platforms. While I see huge potential in them, I’m still figuring out how to best use them to my creator advantage. Look for me to play with the features on these platforms to learn the best practices, which I’ll then share with you.

On Cent Pages, I’ve got quite a collection of Cryptocracy issues that are free to collect. Most of them have reached their maximum minting. But there are a couple of pieces of content that are available for purchase as NFTs. In February, I earned $1.90 from one of them. Interestingly, it was my Web3 earnings report for January, which is available for just $2.00.

I earned nothing in March. These last of my Cent Pages NFTs is a poem titled “Cigar.” Go ahead and have one.

Total Earnings

I’m quite pleased with my total earnings for March. In February, earnings were only $34.17. In January, they were $89.42. Last month, my total earnings were $152.19336.

Total monthly earnings (rounded down) = $152.19

Cryptocracy is a decentralized newsletter published several times a week. I curate the latest news and crypto analysis from some of the brightest minds in crypto, and sometimes offer a little insightful and snarky commentary. Always fresh, always interesting, and always crypto. Original articles on Fridays.

First published at Cryptocracy. Not to be construed as financial advice. Do your own research.

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