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Web3 Social Media Earnings Report, December 2023

I made $811 on Web3 social media last year

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If I were to ask you how much money you're making on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X (formerly known at Twitter, would you have an answer? Currently, Facebook is the only one of the three that doesn't allow creators to monetize their Facebook content. However, if you wish to monetize Instagram, TikTok, or X, you've got to jump through hoops.

In general, to monetize your content on legacy social media platforms, you need thousands of followers. On YouTube, you need at least 1,000 followers and a minimum number of watch hours. On TikTok, you need 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 views in the previous 30-day period. X requires that you maintain at least 500 active followers. Most Web3 social media platforms allow you to monetize your content from Day One. No requirements other than showing up and getting active.

With that introduction, I want to share how much I earned on the platforms in December 2023, and I'll also share how much I earned for the entire year.

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Web3 Social Media Earnings By Platform

Throughout the year, I experimented with several different platforms, but I maintained a presence on a few over the course of the entire year. During the year, I spent some time on the following platforms:

  • Actifit (on the Hive blockchain)

  • Cent Pages

  • Diamond App

  • gFam

  • Hive

  • Housefly

  • Mirror

  • Odysee

  • Paragraph

  • Publish0x

  • Read Cash

  • Noise Cash

  • Readl

  • Torum

  • Coil

  • Presearch (not a social media platform, but a search engine)

For the month of December, I'll only report on those platforms on which I was active. Here's what my numbers look like for December 2023.

Actifit (AFIT, HIVE, HBD)

Because I have no way of knowing how much my AFIT tokens are worth, I quit reporting on them. I earn so few that it usually ends up being a penny or less at the end of the month. But I do earn HIVE and HBD by posting about my Actifit activity. Those are reported under my Hive entry.

gFam (XRP)

When I started posting on gFam, I had no idea how that would turn out. I've been pleasantly surprised to have earned a fair bit of XRP. In December, I earned 7.776 XRP. Based on the value of XRP on New Year's Eve, that translates into $4.8164544 USD.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $4.71

Hive (HIVE, HBD)

My Hive earnings fall into three buckets: HIVE, which I always Power Up to Hive Power (HP), otherwise known as staking; Hive-Backed Dollars (HBD), the platforms stablecoin; and HBD savings.

The HBD savings account is currently earning 20 percent APY, paid out every 30 days. Here are my earnings in those three categories for the month of December 2023:

  • HIVE = 70.872 HIVE translates into $25.5564432 USD

  • HBD = 21.572 HBD translates into $22.43488 USD

  • HBD Savings = 12.96 HBD translates into $13.4784 USD

Combined, these earnings equate to $61.4697232. The value is based on the last day of the year's estimated market value of HIVE and HBD.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $61.46

Paragraph (MATIC)

Paragraph is where I create my newsletter. I usually publish three times a week. Sometimes four. On Wednesdays, when I publish on Web3, and occasionally on Tuesdays or Thursdays when I publish travel-related and Christian-related content, respectively, I offer my content as NFT collectibles. This post, for instance, is a collectible. Just click the button below if you want to add this post to your NFT collection.

In December, I earned 8.4 MATIC from my Paragraph NFTs. That translates into $8.1774 USD.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $8.17

Publish0x (ETH, OP)

Toward the end of the year, Publish0x migrated from the Ethereum blockchain to Optimism. Upon doing so, they dropped AMPL and SPOT tokens and added the OP governance token. In December, I earned 0.00250723 ETH and 2.30599818 OP. That translates into $5.76 USD in ETH and $8.58 in USD in OP, respectively.

Total earnings in December 2023 (both cryptocurrencies combined) = $14.34

Readl (MATIC)

Despite not publishing a book NFT in several months, I did manage to sell my final two copies of Web3 Social in December. I'll likely publish more, but the last few times I've tried to use the platform I experience some technical difficulties. In December 2023, I earned 3.92 MATIC. That translates into $3.822784 USD based on the last day of the year's valuation.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $3.82

Torum (XTM)

In December, I earned 19.5 XTM. That translates into $1.060215 USD.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $1.06

Presearch (PRE)

I continue to use Presearch as my search engine and earn a few PREs for every search. In December 2023, I earned 3.08 PRE, which translates into $0.1217832 USD. I earned the same amount of PRE in November, which was valued at $1.45233396 USD on the last day in November. That means the value of PRE has declined. Still, I'm happy to add it to my collection.

Total earnings in December 2023 (rounded down) = $0.12

Total Earnings for December 2023

As you can see, I've streamlined the number of platforms I post to. I've become much more discerning and have migrated more toward Hive. It's the best-earning platform I've used and includes censorship-resistance and account-ownership features that are important to me. My total earnings among all the platforms I used in December 2023 come to $93.80836.

Total earnings in December 2023 (all platforms, rounded down) = $93.80

Full Year Earnings for 2023

Now, to tackle the big question: How much did I earn on all Web3 social media platforms for the entire year? I'm only going to report my USD value for each platform. Let's look at the platforms (all USD values are rounded down):

  • Actifit = $0.18 (AFIT tokens from when I could establish a monetary value in USD)

  • Cent Pages = $3.80

  • DeSo (Diamond App) = $.09

  • gFam = $83.46 (compare that to $323.18 in 2022)

  • Hive = $436.07 (compare that to $115.84 in 2022)

  • Housefly = $0 (to be fair, I only spent one month there)

  • Mirror = $22.91

  • Odysee = $.01

  • Paragraph = $44.06

  • Publish0x = $173.02 (from all four tokens available throughout the year; I earned $209.25 in 2022)

  • Read/Noise Cash = $4.33

  • Readl = $23.63

  • Torum = $7.32

  • Coil = $0.16

  • Presearch = $12.26

As you can see, some of these have done much better than others. My two mainstays continue to be Hive and Publish0x, but I'm also growing more fond of Paragraph. I think it has a lot of potential. As my author business grows, Readl shows great promise for NFT book earnings. Coil, sadly, has been discontinued. And Presearch could be a place where I do some book marketing in 2024.

My total earnings from all platforms in 2023 were (rounded down) $811.35 in USD value.

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Connect With Me On Web3

Feel free to connect with me on the following Web3 social media platforms.

3 Reasons you should collect this post:

  1. This is a historic moment as I hit my highest earnings to date from Web3 social media platforms. You can help me commemorate this moment by collecting this post.

  2. I make a bold prediction at the end of this post. If you collect this post and I'm correct, you'll thank me later.

  3. You want to support me and help me continue doing what I love.

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#web3#web3 social media#social media#facebook#instagram#tiktok#x#legacy social media#monetization#actifit#afit#cent pages#diamond app#deso#gfam#xrp#hive#hive rewards#hbd#housefly#mirror#odysee#paragraph#matic#publish0x#eth#op#ampl#spot#read cash#noise cash#readl#torum#xtm#coil#presearch#pre