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Web3 Social Media Earnings Report for April 2024

Prize winnings, Layer-2 tokens, and leaving Publish0x

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It's May and time for another Web3 social media earnings report. This report is for April 2024.

By all appearances, it wasn't a bad month. It was the second-best earnings month I've had this year, so far. However, I suspect it would have been the best month I've had were it not for some of the cryptocurrencies losing value in the last couple of days. That's just the way it goes.

No need to linger on formalities, I'll go ahead and jump into the report.

gFam (XRP)

Regular readers know that I continue to share content on gFam primarily so I can boost my XRP earnings. I don't get a lot of engagement, although I do get a little. And my earnings have dropped significantly in the last year or so. However, I managed to snag a contest win and took home a $25 prize. gFam awarded me the Monthly MVP Award for March 2024. Winning in March meant the prize money was paid in April The purse put me at the top of the leaderboard for the month.

As it were, XRP earned for April was 29.362. The USD value of that XRP comes to $14.446104, significantly higher than my next-highest monthly earnings ($3.0503466) in January.

Total earnings in USD (rounded down) = $14.44


Hive, as always, is an intesting case study. While earnings for April were higher than they were for March, they were a bit lower than in January 2024. Hive Power (HP) earnings were higher at 109.412 HP (versus 75.943 HP in January), but HBD earnings were lower at 25.771 HBD (versus 63.954 HBD in January). Earnings from my HBD savings account were also slightly lower than January's at 14.348 HBD.

These earnings translate into the USD equivalent of $33.0205416, $30.66749, and $17.07412, respectively. Total USD earned on the platform for April 2024 was $80.7621516.

Total earnings in USD (rounded down) = $80.76

Ecency (Ecency Points)

Ecency is a front end for posting to Hive. Most of my earnings are due to a delegation that I have. Otherwise, I do receive some Ecency Points rewards for using the Ecency app to post. My earnings in April 2024 were 968.379 Ecency Points.

It's hard to know the USD value of Ecency Points earned because they are traded on any exchanges. I use them solely for promoting my posts. I currently have 27.357 Ecency Points in my account, which are valued at $.055. However, I typically spend these Ecency Points as soon as I accumulate more than 150, which is the minimum required to boost a post. I may or may not be earning my investment back on the posts that I promote, so I may need to rethink my promotion strategy.

Hive-Engine (Hive Layer-2 Tokens)

Layer-2 tokens on Hive are an interesting experiment. I've earned a boat load of tokens that I have no idea what to do with, and most of them aren't worth anything at all. The most valued token I hold is LEO. I have 398.328 tokens valued at $34.675 USD. The total value of all of my layer-2 tokens on the Hive blockchain is $45.62 as of yesterday. That's $2.82 less than the total value at the end of March 2024. That means my tokens have lost value even though I've earned more tokens since then.

I've got 69 layer-2 tokens on the Hive blockchain. Most of these I earn when people tip me one of the tokens or gift me one. Some of them, like LEO, I earn from upvotes. I also earn some extra LEO through delegations. Several tokens earn me additional tokens through staking.

One of these days, I'll figure out what to do with these tokens. Every once in a while, I trade some on the Hive DEX for Hive and Power Up my Hive. Others I simply let accumulate until I either sell them or figure out what they're useful for. I am contemplating launching my own token on the Hive blockchain, I can create a useful purpose for it.

Publish0x (ETH/OP)

I continue to contribute to Publish0x mostly for the engagement on my articles. However, lately I've noticed a higher percentage of trollish comments compared to legitimate engagement. That's a little discouraging. Plus, my earnings have dropped significantly.

Last year, it was common to see earnings around $10/month. This year, they've been in the $3 per month range. April's earnings were the lowest of the three months that I actually spent time posting to Publish0x (I took February off from all Web3 social media posting except for Hive).

My earnings in April were 0.00050533 ETH and 0.5877552 OP. That amounts to $1.53 and $1.38 in USD value, respectively.

I'm contemplating saying goodbye to Publish0x, but I won't make that decision for at least another month.

Total earnings in USD = $2.91

Torum (XTM)

Torum is another platform that I've considered saying goodbye to, but I have yet to make the break. I just don't spend enough time there to make it worth my while. In April, my XTM earnings were 14. In USD, that equates to $0.665. My XTM wallet currently is valued at $63.9, but I shudder to think about what my gas fees might be if I cashed out.

Total earnings in April 2024 in USD (rounded down) = $0.66

Presearch (PRE)

April 2024 was the best month I've had on Presearch in 2024, at least where PRE earnings are concerned. My USD earnings were slightly higher in March because of the value of PRE.

In April, I managed to shake out 3.79 PRE for searches. That translates into $0.0604884 in USD value.

Total earnings in April 2024 in USD (rounded down) = $0.06

That concludes my Web3 social media earnings report for April 2024. My total earnings for the month were $98.843744.

Total USD earnings from all platforms for April 2024 (rounded down) = $98.84

For more information about Web3 social media and a list of more than 100 Web3 social media platforms, check out my book Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!).

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