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The Fastest Way To Get Promoted (Career Cheat Codes) MFM

First things first, you want to consider your role as working with, not "for someone". When you work "with someone", you aim to grow together.

A podcast where Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market.

This is the summary of My First Million podcast (48-minute video and audio podcast).

  1. Working with. (Mentality shift):

    First things first, you want to consider your role as working with, not for, someone. When you work with someone, you aim to grow together. This mindset shift is key to taking on more ownership and being in charge of certain aspects of the job.

  2. Take up a unique role at the company outside your job description sometimes:

    It could be as easy as sharing an internal newsletter with the team, stepping up to handle presentations that nobody else is taking care of, and making them fun and interesting. This kind of proactive attitude can really make you stand out, especially if your colleagues are solely concentrated on coding or designing.

  3. Be loud, about your work:
    You have to make sure everyone knows the cool shit you are doing -Sam parr. Let people know what you are doing, and talk in public groups instead of DM’s

  4. Work on the Cool shit:

    Strive to secure involvement in compelling projects, those that pique the interest of the CEO or other key figures in the company. Prioritize tasks that significantly impact the company's objectives, even if they move the needle only a 5%. Focus on high-impact work.

  5. Look good and confident:

    It doesn't have to be expensive, but you should look respectable on Zoom calls and in meetings. Sound quality is important, so consider using a PC with a good microphone or investing in one. Additionally, aim to appear confident. When discussing your work or addressing a specific problem in meetings, utilize the “What, Why, and So What' framework for clear communication.”

  6. Find the paper cut problem:

    Find a problem that nobody's really paying attention to and just solve it on your own time, voluntarily. It's usually something small and annoying, but for some reason, nobody's bothered to deal with it. That's where you come in.

  7. Don’t bullshit:

    Keep it real in your work, like Dug from "Up" – always honest and down-to-earth about how you tackle tasks and why you think your methods make sense. Stay true to your own style and originality in how you get things done.

Note: Superstars do 3 things

  • They think in probability not certainty.

  • They manage expectations.

  • Ask quality questions.

Milky Moments, Is a paid subsection of Whatspodcasting newsletter. A go-to galaxy for sweet summaries (just a fancy way of saying newsletter) of strictly high-level business podcasts. Now you can ditch the scribbles and jump right into the juicy bits.

When you listen to your next podcast don’t worry about the note-taking bit, I have bottled it all into the Milky Moments! here for you.

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