NFTs - The Start and Now.

What NFT's are, how they work and where we've come!


Welcome to the intriguing world of NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, a revolutionary concept that's transforming the digital landscape. At its core, an NFT is a unique digital asset, representing ownership of a specific item or piece of content, such as art, music, or video, verified through blockchain technology. This innovative idea has taken the internet by storm, leading to an explosion of interest and investment. But why are NFTs becoming so popular, and what makes them different from traditional digital items? This article aims to explore the fascinating universe of NFTs, shedding light on their origins, how they work, and their impact beyond the digital art scene. Whether you're a curious beginner or just looking to deepen your understanding, join us on this explorative journey into the realm of NFTs.

Origins and Evolution of NFTs

The story of NFTs begins with the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, unlike Bitcoin, NFTs are designed to be one-of-a-kind: each token is distinct and cannot be exchanged on a like-for-like basis, hence "non-fungible." The concept gained real traction with the launch of CryptoKitties in 2017, a blockchain game that allowed players to buy, sell, and breed unique virtual cats. Since then, NFTs have evolved dramatically, expanding into various sectors including art, music, and even real estate. From simple pixelated images to sophisticated 3D models and interactive experiences, NFTs have unleashed a new era of digital creativity and ownership.

How Do NFTs Work?

At their heart, NFTs function through blockchain technology, a decentralised digital ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. When you purchase an NFT, you're buying a "token" that proves your ownership of a specific digital item, which is recorded and verifiable on the blockchain. Unlike standard digital files that can be copied indefinitely, the blockchain maintains the uniqueness and scarcity of each NFT, making them inherently valuable. This technology not only ensures the authenticity of each NFT but also allows artists and creators to retain more control over their work, potentially revolutionising how digital content is monetised.

The World of NFTs Beyond Digital Art

While digital art remains a significant part of the NFT universe, these tokens have permeated a variety of sectors, illustrating the vast potential of blockchain technology. In music, artists are utilising NFTs to offer exclusive content and experiences to fans, from digital albums to unique live performance tickets. This not only creates a new revenue stream for artists but also deepens fan engagement. In the gaming industry, NFTs have transformed traditional gaming models by allowing players to truly own in-game items and even earn through playing, as seen in popular titles like Axie Infinity. Furthermore, virtual real estate has emerged as a lucrative sector within the NFT space, with platforms like Decentraland and The Sandbox enabling users to buy, sell, and develop digital land, creating online communities and economies.

Why Are NFTs Controversial?

Despite their popularity, NFTs have sparked controversy and debate. Critics point to the environmental impact of maintaining the blockchain, as the energy required for transactions, especially on proof-of-work systems, is significant. There are also concerns about market speculation, with prices for some NFTs reaching millions of dollars, raising questions about value and sustainability. Additionally, instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement have emerged within the NFT space, complicating the narrative around originality and ownership. However, the community and developers are addressing these challenges by exploring more energy-efficient blockchain solutions, implementing verification processes, and establishing clearer regulations.

How to Start with NFTs

For beginners interested in exploring NFTs, the journey starts with setting up a digital wallet, which enables you to store NFTs and cryptocurrencies. Researching and choosing the right marketplace is crucial, as each platform has different features and focuses. Start by exploring popular marketplaces like OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation. Always exercise caution: verify the authenticity of NFTs and their creators, and be aware of security practices to protect your digital assets. Remember, the world of NFTs is vast and varied, so take your time to learn and explore.

Future Prospects of NFTs

The future of NFTs is as dynamic and uncertain as the technology itself. Potential applications continue to emerge, from tokenising real-world assets like property and intellectual property to revolutionising supply chain management. As blockchain technology evolves, we can expect NFTs to become more integrated into various industries, offering more than just digital collectibles. Experts believe that NFTs could redefine online economies, content creation, and even our concept of ownership. However, the path forward is dependent on addressing current criticisms and ensuring that NFTs can be sustainable and accessible to all.


NFTs represent a fascinating intersection of technology, art, and commerce, offering new ways to value and transact digital items. As we continue to navigate this evolving landscape, the potential for innovation is boundless. Dive into the world of NFTs, and you may discover a new dimension of digital interaction.

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