Why Do People Attach Themselves to Certain Blockchains and Not Explore Others?

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, one phenomenon that has emerged is the tendency for individuals or communities to attach themselves to a single blockchain and dismiss or ignore others. These people are often referred to as “maximalists” or “maxis.” They fiercely advocate for the superiority of their chosen blockchain, whether it’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, or another. But why do some people become so attached to a particular blockchain, and what are the pros and cons of doing so?

The Appeal of a Single Blockchain

1. Belief in the Vision or Philosophy:

Many people attach themselves to a specific blockchain because they believe in its core philosophy. For instance, Bitcoin maximalists, or “Bitcoin Maxis,” often view Bitcoin not just as a digital currency but as a tool for financial freedom and decentralisation. They believe Bitcoin’s deflationary design and limited supply (21 million coins) offer the most secure, robust, and decentralised form of money ever created.

Ethereum supporters, on the other hand, might attach themselves to Ethereum because of its flexibility and potential as a decentralised platform for smart contracts and decentralised applications (dApps). They see Ethereum as the backbone of Web3 development, offering innovation beyond just a currency, making it a major player in the decentralised future.

2. Network Effects:

Once a blockchain reaches a certain size, its value increases due to the number of people and projects built on it. For instance, Bitcoin’s large user base, mining ecosystem, and institutional support provide a sense of security and stability that newer blockchains may lack. Ethereum’s robust developer community and vast array of decentralised applications give it a similar advantage. These network effects encourage loyalty since users and developers have invested significant resources into the ecosystem.

3. Familiarity and Simplicity:

The complexity of blockchain technology can be intimidating. Once someone becomes comfortable with a particular blockchain, the prospect of learning another one can seem overwhelming. This is especially true for investors who have built a portfolio around a specific blockchain. It’s easier and more comfortable to stick with what they know than to venture into unfamiliar territory.

4. Security and Trust:

Some users stick to a specific blockchain because they trust its security mechanisms. Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism has proven itself over more than a decade, making it one of the most secure blockchains in existence. Ethereum, although transitioning to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), has also earned significant trust due to its large-scale developer involvement and successful implementation of major upgrades.

The Drawbacks of Blockchain Maximalism

While the attachment to a single blockchain can have its advantages, it also comes with significant downsides.

1. Missed Opportunities:

One of the biggest cons of blockchain maximalism is the missed opportunities for innovation and investment. By focusing solely on one blockchain, maxis often ignore or outright reject the developments happening in other ecosystems. For instance, blockchains like Solana, Cardano, and Polkadot each offer unique advantages, from speed and scalability to different governance structures and interoperability solutions. Maxis may miss out on potential gains or innovations that these newer platforms bring to the table.

2. Lack of Flexibility:

Blockchain technology is still relatively young, and it is rapidly evolving. Rigidly sticking to one blockchain could mean being left behind as other blockchains improve or solve the limitations of older systems. For example, Ethereum’s high gas fees and scalability issues have led to the rise of other blockchains that address these concerns. Maxis who refuse to explore alternatives may be stuck dealing with these inefficiencies without reaping the benefits of innovation elsewhere.

3. Echo Chamber Effect:

Maximalism often creates an echo chamber effect where only positive aspects of a particular blockchain are discussed, and valid criticisms are ignored. This can lead to a skewed perception of the blockchain’s potential and limitations. Constructive criticism is vital for any technology to grow, and ignoring the shortcomings of a blockchain can lead to a myopic view of its future.

4. Tribalism:

Blockchain maximalism often fosters a sense of tribalism within the crypto community. Rather than engaging in productive debates about which blockchains could best serve particular use cases, some maxis resort to dismissing other blockchains outright. This creates division in the crypto space, where collaboration and open-minded exploration could lead to more inclusive and productive advancements.

Why Call Themselves Maxis?

The term “maxi” or “maximalist” is often embraced by individuals as a badge of honour. For them, it’s about unwavering conviction and belief in the blockchain they’ve chosen to support. They see themselves as loyal advocates for a technology they believe will fundamentally reshape the future. For many Bitcoin maxis, Bitcoin is the answer to inflation, government overreach, and flawed financial systems. Ethereum maxis might argue that Ethereum’s flexibility and capacity for smart contracts will be the backbone of the decentralised future.

There’s also a psychological factor at play. Humans are tribal by nature, and associating oneself with a particular blockchain or cryptocurrency community offers a sense of belonging and identity. In an ever-expanding and often confusing landscape like crypto, having a clear, defined “side” provides comfort and certainty.

The Middle Ground: Exploring a Multi-chain Future

While blockchain maximalism can offer a sense of purpose, it’s worth considering that we might be heading toward a multi-chain future, where different blockchains serve different purposes. Just as the internet comprises various protocols and systems working together, the blockchain ecosystem could follow a similar path.

Each blockchain has its strengths and weaknesses. Bitcoin may be the ultimate store of value, while Ethereum may dominate smart contracts. Blockchains like Polkadot and Cosmos may enable seamless interoperability, and others like Solana or Avalanche may excel in terms of speed and transaction costs. Embracing a multichain mindset allows one to benefit from the best aspects of various technologies rather than being locked into just one.


The attachment to a single blockchain is understandable. People align with the vision, philosophy, and familiarity that a blockchain provides. However, blockchain maximalism comes with trade-offs. It can lead to missed opportunities, reduced flexibility, and a lack of exposure to innovations in other ecosystems. Ultimately, the future of blockchain might not belong to any one blockchain but to many, coexisting and offering their unique strengths in a multi-chain world.

Written by Ants.

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