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NounsDAO - Active Governance #11 - Garden Round 1

Nurturing the seeds of our ecosystem

Hello everyone, welcome back to Active Governance! This will be a special Gardener edition celebrating the first Garden open round. In this first edition I will be going over every proposal submitted in this round and giving direct feedback on each one!

Looking back on past Nouns' rounds I get a general sense that we funded a large quantity of projects but not many had meaningful or long lasting impact for the ecosystem. In these Garden Rounds I will try to avoid ideas that were already tried or one-and-done type of proposals. Instead I will look for innovative ideas or ones that have a strong execution plan, vision for the future and can effectively proliferate/onboard new members.

Before jumping in I would like to say thank you to all the proposers for putting in the effort to create and submit their proposals. I appreciate the dedication it takes and your interest in building with Nouns.


  • These are *roughly* in the order they were submitted and were numbered as such.

  • Reasonings that were referenced and applied to many different proposals are in bold.

  • Most of the proposals received no votes. We had a huge turnout and only 2 are awarded, I chose to throw my vote weight on only 2 proposals (#17 and #40).

#1 Buidler - (No Votes)

The idea here is interesting, I would've liked to see more context and details in general. There is no mention of how the funds will be used, will the 5 eth finance the whole project? Also would've have liked to see how nouns would be integrated into the project. In public software projects like this I like the approach of adding a "Funded by Nouns" tag on the branding, much like ethOS are doing with their project.

#2 Pumpkin and crow noun statue - (No Votes)

The sculptures are interesting, but not exciting enough to me particularly. Nouns also recently funded a sculpture by another artist, I don't see a need for more investment in this area now. (reasons given on #10 also apply here)

#3 A Brief History of Nouns Booklet - (No Votes)

This proposal lacks a lot of information for me to form a proper opinion on it. Some of the details I would've liked to see are: vision for the content, past work, experience within the web3 space (especially with nouns), plans for publishing, marketing, and so on.

#4 PHEN X NOUNS - (No Votes)

I like the art style, but not clear plan and integration with nouns. Based on the last image I'll say I'm not a fan of simply slapping noggles on top of stuff. I'll also refer back to my earlier points of wanting to see more thought-out execution with these props, having clear objectives and an execution plan. (reasons given on #10 also apply here).

#5 Nouns AI: a Short Film, an Artistry Wing, and a Merch Proposal - (No Votes)

Great intentions and well written proposal. Wanted to see examples of what the content produced would like and your prior involvement with Nouns. Would've also liked to see your vision on how this project would have a lasting impact in the Nouns ecosystem.

#6 Identity and reputation for Nouners - (No Votes)

Heard this proposal live on Toady's twitter space which always helps to get a more nuanced view of a proposal. That being said my feeling is that we have funded several clients and nouns centric software this year already. I believe we should focus on improving the many we have rather than keep branching out to new projects. At this point this is a category I am not particularly interested in. (reasons given on #20 also apply here).

#7 MEGA NOUNS - (No Votes)

I value the reach we would get but not specifically interesting for this round, overall felt a disconnect with the Nouns vibe and culture. Also believe there could be more deliverables for the amount being funded. (reasons given on #10 also apply here)

#8 Furry Nouns Helpers - (No Votes)

Truly appreciate the cause, however the proposal lacks basic details in several key areas of information for me to properly form an opinion on it.

#9 Let's use Takumi-san, a life traveler, to spread Nouns more in Japan! - (No Votes)

Nouns in Japan have been doing a great job overall, I'm just not sure how much these actions will be converted into new people knowing about Nouns and being interested in joining the ecosystem. Also would've liked to understand more what is the involvement with pNouns and how this differs from the things we are already doing in Japan. I don't think we ever funded a single spokesperson for the DAO. For that model I would prefer to see someone with a larger online following with a larger guaranteed audience.

#10 Garden by Wosnan - (No Votes)

I personally really love the art style here, very unique and weird in a nounish way, if that makes sense. That being said I will refer back to my overarching goals with the Garden Rounds of funding projects that can achieve long lasting impact as well as proliferation and onboarding. This will likely apply to many similar art proposals which I would categorize as a one-and-done kind of deal. Which is not to say that they shouldn't be funded, but rather not what I believe we should be striving for in these rounds (at least for now).

#11 Nouns x Toadz Mural for Art Basel 2023 - (No Votes)

Even though it is a bigger "venue" with more eyeball this proposal is very similar to #10, the same reasoning also applies for me here.

#12 ⌐◧-◧ The Nouns Cup! | Art Basel Miami - (No Votes)

I can appreciate the nounish vibes created at these events, but it is still too small niche in relation to what we can fund in these rounds. It also falls under the one-and-done category which is outside of what I'm looking for. Lastly, the proposal doesn't got into how the funds will be used or how they are necessary for Nouns to participate in this event.

#13 Nouns Hackathon LA - (No Votes)

Proposal lacks basic details in several key areas of information for me to properly form an opinion on it.

#14 - Farcaster client for Nouns

I would prefer to follow a model of retro funding if the client has demand for it. See #6 and #20 for more details.

#15 Nouns App Farcaster Feed: Cozy&Community-Governed

Same as similar proposals, not willing to fund Nouns software and clients in this round. See #6 and #20 for more details.

#16 W3 ARE SO BACK podcast powered by Nouns

Podcasts and spaces are a very saturated market, even within Nouns. I also see this as an applicable case of building first and, if successful, requesting funding for continuation and expansion.

#17 VLOG: Nounish Legends Meet - (2 Votes)

I'm a fan of this project. The episodes are well thought-out and engaging. Done properly we have a chance at appealing to a broader audience, outside of our ecosystem. I also really like the value offered by this prop, it seems we are getting a good return for what is being funded.

I would just make sure there is a proper strategy to onboard new people to Nouns, it is not enough to just have noggles on top of everything. There needs to be a mechanism to explain how a web3 project is facilitating these kind of ideas and projects and how they can get involved too.

Still, I'm happy to give them a chance and see how this series performs. The team is competent and have proven themselves as strong builders with Nouns at the core of their intent.

#18 Nounish Beach Cleanups in Brazil - (No Votes)

I like that the team has a strong plan to execute the whole project, including actions to bootstrap the beach cleanups into a strong marketing campaign and onboarding tool for Nouns. This still falls into the category of one-and-done which is not what I'm looking to fund in this round. One suggestion would be to possibly add a few more beach clean-ups within the budget and spread them out during a longer time frame, that way we can keep the momentum going for longer. Open to voting for it in future rounds.

#19 NOUNish Plush - (No Votes)

I know Pudgy's had a huge success with their line, but don't think we should necessarily try to follow suit, let's do our thing. Klim is a great and proven builder for nouns, but I don't think this is the right time for this idea. We have the mini figurines currently in the works and I would like to see the outcome of that endeavor before branching out.

#20 continuation of - (No Votes)

I appreciate this proposal and definitely see the merits of it. I used a lot during this year myself. However, I am not particularly interested in any further funding more nouns centric clients, there is simply too much that was recently funded and is in the works now in this category - some examples are;;; Also a big fear I have is what happened to some other similar projects which after initial funding no further support was given and the project was just abandoned.

I believe the best path for the many of these software and client proposals we got is to launch it and request retro funding if the demand is there. There are many different teams working on similar things and the market is oversaturated. (reasons given on #6 also apply here).

#21 Daily NOUNS Participate in exhibitions with Resin toy ⌐◨-◨

This is a very cool niche project, I can sense the passion from the proposer. Unfortunately I don't think it's the right fit for this round as I'm looking for projects that can have a larger impact in terms of proliferation and onboarding.

#22 Upgrading and Keeping Up the Nouns Center - (No Votes)

Very similar proposal to #20, same reasons apply.

#23 Nounish Hackathon Mexico City ⌐◨-◨ - (No Votes)

Would like to focus on specific ideas and projects rather than a hackathon like event that will have a similar function and goals as this current round.

#24 NOUNish Ski Film! - (No Votes)

While I don't question the quality and reach of this proposal, I would rather be funding projects that are fully dedicated to this garden round and have a stronger connection to Nouns in general. As per the prop's description "prominent Nouns logos to be featured" isn't really exciting enough. I believe this proposal is a better fit for Gnars and Alps DAO which would still be under the Nouns ecosystem.

#25 Lil Bevs ⌐◨-◨ - (No Votes)

I like the product design and the overall vision for the project. The only thing missing from this proposal are the KPIs from previous endeavors. I would like to know what are the success metrics we are looking to achieve with this new product. Willing to fund this in later rounds.

#26 Web3 Citizen Guide: Understanding Nouns DAO Governance in 2023 - (No Votes)

Very interesting concept, I don't believe we have yet achieved a solid onboarding experience for people trying to come into the Nouns ecosystem. Not that we should have just one, but at least a few good starting avenues. Even though I like the concept of a Nouns Guide, this proposal lacks details on execution and vision of success for me to consider it at this point.

#27 A Nounish International Exhibition + Workshop Tour - (No Votes)

Proposal doesn't go into how Nouns would be integrated into these events or any other proliferating/community onboarding. Overall I would rather fund nounish focused events or ones that can reach a bigger audience.

#28 Social Media Audit & Action plan to develop Nounish Instagram & Youtube audience - (No Votes)

Maybe nounish is already working on this kind of metrics? Either way I believe this should be directly offered to them or any other relevant communities within Nouns rather than being it's own separate project.

#29 How the Nouns push the NFT industry forward - (No Votes)

Had a tough time understanding this proposal and it's concepts. Overall sentiment is that it's not aligned with Nouns' vision and culture.

#30 Prop house outreach and Nounish Values - (No Votes)

Not a fan of this proposal. Definitely feels like it was written with chatGPT. A lot of words are there but nothing of meaning is actually said.

#31 ⌐◨-◨Nouns DJ party in Japan! - (No Votes)

Very lacking in all kinds of key information. No way to properly assess. Although I should say I don't see projects this small in size as strong candidates for these rounds.

#32 ⌐◨-◨Making noggles sunshades for cars to increase awareness※Online Making SHOW - (No Votes)

Same proposer as #31, same feedback applies.

#33 Nouns Adventure/Experience Round #1: Race for Climate around the Baltic Sea - (No Votes)

There is no mention in the proposal of how Nouns would be involved or integrated in any way.

#34 [Baby is on board] Magnetic stickers are produced and given away by lottery! - (No Votes)

Same proposer as #31 & #32, starting to consider these spam.

#35 Wear We Are Journal x NOUNS - (No Votes)

I really like this project. Even though it is a niche subject I like how unique it is. I see a strong group of people who are executing well on their objectives. Sometimes it's hard to put it in words, but I get a strong nounish vibe.

Before voting for this proposal I would like to have more information such as: Which members of the team are more involved with Nouns and who they are? Could we see a previous issue of the magazine? Are there other ways we can further incorporate Nouns? Any plans to create further content around this partnership? Content around the launch of the next issue could be valuable. Would also like to see a more fleshed out plan of how Nouns will be presented in the first page, a mock up and more detailed ideas would be great.

#36 10 Hospitals + Shelters Nouns Activation - (No Votes)

Would've liked to see more details all around- What would these activations look like? What parts of the hospital would be activated? Are there any plans for capturing content around this project? - I want to know how we can bootstrap these actions towards Nouns engagement and recognition.

#37 Nouniverse Adventure: A Nostalgic Point-and-Click Journey - (No Votes)

We have other projects in the works in the gaming front. I would like to see how they perform with the Nouns audience before investing in brand new projects.

#38 Turn my co-working space into a Nouns Working Space ⌐◨-◨ - (No Votes)

Interesting concept and an interesting case for Nouns to share. That being said I am looking for proposals that will have a more generalized impact rather than localized one-off projects.

#39 Nouns First Official Spotify Drop- A Nouns hip-hop mixtape - (No Votes)

Music is certainly an area that's not been well explored by Nouns and certainly deserves more attention. For this proposal I wanted to see more on the artists, what have they produced in the past? Also how will the project be integrated with Nouns? Will the songs be about Nouns? The budget seems high for what will be delivered. I would prefer if some of it was used in a strong marketing campaign.

#40 NounsCraft: a Nouns Community Minecraft Server - (8 Votes)

The best proposal of this round in my opinion. Checks all the boxes I'm looking for: uniqueness, longevity, proliferation, onboarding, nounish values and community building.

The one thing I'll emphasize is the importance of creating content around this server. It would be amazing to reach the broader MC community and be able share what Nouns is doing with that audience. Minecraft has a huge viewership on youtube, maybe we could partner with some creators to bootstrap visibility.

RFG clearly has the capabilities to execute on this idea and is an established member of our community which makes me confident in funding her in this round.

#41 Everyday, Nounish artworks! - (No Votes)

I appreciate the idea and commitment but I just don't see this project having a significant impact for Nouns. Looking for projects that can reach a larger audience.

#42 100 GIFS in 100 DAYS - NOUNS GIF COLLECTION - (No Votes)

GIFs are a valuable resource and one we use a lot to communicate with, however a lot of teams are working on nounish gifs or have been funded to create them. Not the type of proposal I'm looking to fund in this round.

#43 Introducing "NounishCast" ⌐◨-◨ 🎙 Like Spotify, but with AI and super short! - (No Votes)

Not a particularly exciting idea to me. Market is oversaturated and I question the audience this would get.

#44 Nouns Decentralized Charity - (No Votes)

No info on the team or who is submitting this proposal. Either way there isn't really a need for this product in the Nouns ecosystem.

#45 Raising awareness about Nouns ⌐◨-◨ in Thailand. - (No Votes)

Appreciate the work put into the submission. However the project doesn't have a solid plan of its actions. What is proposed is very loose and won't necessarily have a meaningful impact for the DAO. This proposal is also similar to #9 as in funding someone to essentially be a spokesperson for the DAO which is not a model I'm currently in favor of.


I couldn't get excited with this submission. Very small and niche project that's not really suited for this round. I would encourage working on the quality of the materials presented.

#47 People, Places and Things - (No Votes)

It is an interesting concept, however it is similar in nature to which was just funded. See reasons given on #6, #20 as it also applies here.

#48 A decentralized NFT lottery DApp for nouns ecosystem - (No Votes)

It feels like this proposal was written for LilNouns. Reasons given on #6, #20 and #68 apply here.

#49 Nounstick NS1 available onchain 3D model marketplace. - (No Votes)

Needed to see a bigger overarching plan of success for this product. What's the market need for it? How will it be marketed? What is Nouns involvement? and so on.

#50 NOUNS x TEMP CHEK: Mycoredemiation Initiative | A Short Film - (No Votes)

I had a tough time understanding the overall vision and goals of the team with this project. The text is dense and confusing making it hard to grasp the concepts presented. Also didn't see enough efforts in integrating Nouns to the project or how we can reach a larger audience.

#51 [ObentoNouns⌐◨-◨]instagram account is expanding awareness of Nouns worldwide! - (No Votes)

Same proposer as #31 & #32 and #34, out of all of them this one is the only one that is somewhat interesting. It's a fun niche project, but not right for this round.

#52 NOUNERGY: Invest in green energy for Nouns DAO. - (No Votes)

Had a hard time understanding what exactly the product is and how innovative and impactful it really is. With the way the information was presented I couldn't properly form an opinion on it.

#53 Riviera Maya, México Nounification plan ⌐🌊-🌊 - (No Votes)

Great intentions by the team, however not convinced of the impact and reach we will get with these activations, especially in relation to the amount being offered by this round.

#54 Revolutionizing Knowledge: Transforming FAQs into Interactive Metaverse Adventur - (No Votes)

No real demand for the metaverse currently. Looking for proposals that will have a larger overall impact in these rounds.

#55 🚀 Visioneering the Future: Bridging Education and Emerging Tech with Nouns DAO - (No Votes)

I would've liked to see more information on the team. Are they experienced in creating courses? What is the platform for consuming this content? What are the plans to reach the target audience? Overall needed to see more in terms of what the final product would look like and the team's execution capabilities.


3rd-eye is an accomplished builder for Nouns and has been making waves in the Gnars and Brazilian scene. That being said, I don't think this specific proposal is right for this round. As mentioned earlier I am looking at proposals that will have longer lasting impacts.


Even though I never interacted directly with the proposer I witnessed some very despicable behavior from them in the Nouns Video Contest discord server after his entry was not selected, which included profanity and disrespect to organizers and fellow competitors. For this reason I don't beleive they are the right kind of builder for Nouns.

#58 Christmas Event Nouns Advent Calendar - (No Votes)

Not enough information to be considered.

#59 Nouns Art Tricycle _That can be used at any Nouns Event - (No Votes)

Reasons given on #10 will apply here.

#60 Atenea: Connect and Expand On-Chain Communities - (No Votes)

We have an over abundance of nouns-centric clients and software proposals, I will refer back to reasons given on #6 and #20.

#61 Nouns DAO Innovation Gala: Turning NFT Ideas into Value - (No Votes)

Not enough information to be considered.

#62 – Free Website Builder for All Nouns Holders - (No Votes)

Doubt any nouners have any interest in having this. Simply not needed.

#63 Nouns Open Source: Mapping Our Open-Source Legacy - (No Votes)

Not something that the ecosystem desperately needs right now. These sort of data can be found in some dune dashboards for people that really are interested.

#64 “ 3DNouns avatar kit ” | Everyone can generate avatars for Metaverse - (No Votes)

Nothing wrong with the idea, but I don't see enough demand for 3D avatars at the moment. Also looking for proposals that will have a larger overall impact in these rounds.

#65 every Noun and then: raise aHand, shake another or give yours to share a reward - (No Votes)

Unconvinced about the market demand for this product. Also not a lot of information on the developer which makes me skeptical.

#66 Nouns DAO Innovation Gala: Turning NFT Ideas into Value - (No Votes)

Copy of #61

#67 Public Good - Wooden Toy & Decor - (No Votes)

I like the concepts presented. Would like to see more info on the team and their capabilities. Also would be interesting to see real mockups before committing to finance this idea.

#68 by NNS Labs - (No Votes)

I for one am against linking Nouns to any type of coin or currency. I believe it is outside of our ethos. I don't want to go near ponzinomics, gambling and other negative concepts seen in many NFT/web3 projects that Nouns successfully strayed away from so far. I would prefer to keep that door shut.

And that's all the proposals! Excited with the turnout we got and how many people are interesting in building with Nouns. I hope these reviews can help guide proposers in future rounds.

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