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⌐◨-◨ Active Governance - #7

Prop 266-269 and some news.

Hello folks, welcome back to Active Governance!

I recently acquired my second Noun! (#675). A lovely Pizza head!

Ever since purchasing my first Noun, 3 months ago, I have fallen more in love with Nouns and what we are trying to achieve. This is an experiment in building a brand and a community in a way that has never been done before.
We are breaking a lot of traditional "rules" and that's what sets us apart from what everyone else is doing.

My desire is to keep working on Nouns DAO and support it achieve its goals. I am committed to doing this newsletter with the objective of inspiring other nouners to voteWithReason. And to help builders with best practices for their nounish project.
In the near future I also want to create articles focusing on broader topics like governance, sustainability, starter guides, voting, among others. With the ultimate goal of creating more resources for all things Nouns.

For now though, why don't we take a look at the latest proposals?

Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions based on how I believe the DAO should be using the treasury to achieve its goals. I made the decisions based first and foremost on the on-chain proposals.

Proposal 266 - Voting AGAINST

The Nouns Mechanical Keyboard

I really appreciate this proposal, it is very detailed, has tons of information and even someone who isn't particularly familiar with the subject can make an informed decision. The visual concepts also looked great and got me excited for an eventual finished project.
That being said, there are a few key issues with this proposal that pushed me to vote against.

Firstly, the team is proposing for the DAO to pay for all the manufacturing costs and the team's compensation. On top of that, they are receiving all the proceeds from the NFT sales. Seems we are double spending here. This needs to be further clarified.
Also, it would've been great to see a % of the sales being returned back to the treasury.

Secondly, I would have liked to see more on proliferation. The keyboards themselves will most likely be sold to people already in the ecosystem. So there needs to be some work done outside of the sales of the keyboards. This possibly comes in how exactly the subDAO will operate and how It can push nounish ideas forward. In general I believe more things should be explored on this front.

This is definitely an interesting concept, I would be open to a revised version of this prop.

Proposal 268 - Voting AGAINST

Nouns Autobidder Trial (by Federation)

I'm going to hammer on proposal standards here. This proposal is rather shallow and difficult to understand for someone non technical. It also doesn't go into key details, like how this would benefit the DAO and the advantages over the current model.

Since the tech is already built, effectively, what we're voting on is the funding of the contract with enough ETH for one bid. And I don't think that's the right way to go about it now.

The right approach would be to have the Autobidder available as a public tool. Then if members of the DAO believe more Nouns should be acquired they can make a proposal with a proper "strategy" including amount, duration and the benefits of such actions.

Even though I am voting against this version, I do believe that if the DAO wants to acquire more Nouns, the Autobidder is a better and fully decentralized way of doing it.

Proposal 269 - Voting FOR

Gnarly EP

This is a great initiative. It is a sustainable way to support and encourage more nounish content creators.

Thank you for reading through another edition of my newsletter!

Nouners, I hope to inspire you to voteWithReason. Builders, I hope you can take something away for future proposals.

You can reach out to me on twitter @lep0327.


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