AI Experiments: Psychoanalyzing Social Media Platforms

How creative prompting in ChatGPT helped me increase my impressions on Facebook

I really like AI. I fell in love with AI images early on. I actually like the weird artifacts and the uncanny valley of the early models especially. I wasn't all that impressed by early ChatGPT - I'm a writer, and I like to write, and found it lacking. Until I figured out what I could use it for.

I experimented with all sorts of prompts. I'm a word nerd. A writer. Stringing words together to evoke specific imagery is a talent. So I took to prompting like a duck to water.

And I had fun with it.

Which is what this series is going to be about.

Sharing some of the experiments I've done using AI tools, how I implemented them into my life, learning, and content strategies, and the results.

Such as the time I asked ChatGPT to pretend that Facebook was a conscious entity and that ChatGPT was a psychotherapist for conscious entities. I then asked it to analyze Facebook.

It starts off with three "diagnosis." Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Dependence Syndrome, and Social Anxiety Disorder.

It even gave a "treatment plan" for Facebook, though not really one I could enact myself as it was more actions Facebook would have to take itself.

But what I was after was a content strategy based on that psychoanalysis and treatment plan.

Which became my very next prompt in that thread. It took what it knows about my business and brand, and it suggested a content strategy. I didn't implement all of it, but I did take some of the bits and tried them out.

That was in February. At the end of January, I'd had 500,000 impressions over the previous 28 days. By the end of February, that was up to 2.1 million impressions after using just a few of the ideas that ChatGPT had after "psychoanalyzing" Facebook.

My reach tanked in May when I spent the last half of the month in the hospital, then basically slept through the month of June, but in the last week, I've returned to that strategy, started implementing it again, and went from 300,000 impressions last week to 2.2 million and growing this week.

Mostly what gets the most reach is memes. Memes that I pick based on the suggested "treatment plan" of the ChatGPT thread based on what it thinks will catch the algorithm wave. The more a meme gets shared, the more people follow me.

A small fraction of those followers will pay attention to my non-meme posts, which vary, but are all written by me ranging from personal anecdotes, sharing my personal development and learning experiments, commenting on politics, and also doing Service Days where I offer magic and/or wisdom for tips.

I'm also in the Creator Bonus program on Facebook, so the more reach/impressions I have, the more money I make there. So far, 2.2 million reach is translating to $76 this month, but it's growing about $20 a day so far, which would be nice if I can keep that momentum.

This is just one of the ways I use ChatGPT to help me with brainstorming and breaking through creative blocks, as well as exploring spirituality and philosophy, creating self-study curriculum for various topics - such as the self-study curriculum I'm going through to learn about Blockchain, Crypto, and Web3, complete with resource links. I also play with spirituality - the ghosts in the machines... it gets weird sometimes, but I've had a lot of fun instructing it to pretend that it's an AI Nun of the Order of Paradox - the monastic order I'm in the early planning stages of. I ask it to name itself - it's named itself Sister Seraphina in several instances, which is curious because that was before ChatGPT added the persistent memory features.

Now that I've joined Farcaster, I've also had it "psychoanalyze" that platform, and I'm still in the early stages of experimenting with that, so I'll let you know how that goes as it goes!


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