The Vows of an Unconventional Nun

Letting the Words lead where they will

I first decided to take monastic vows in 2020. For those vows, I chose single words. Eight of them because I could align them with the neopagan "wheel of the year" concept, giving each vow focus for about 6-7 weeks. I renew them yearly on the winter solstice, making any changes that I feel I want to make.

Study, Structure, Simplicity, Stewardship, Stability, Sustainability, Service, Sanctuary

Yes, it's all S-words.

I like alliteration. It tickles my brain.

Right now, my Vow Focus is Stability. Has been since Summer Solstice, and will shift to Sustainability on August 1st.

Rather than committing to a particular deity, my Vows are a commitment to what I want more of in my life. What I value in my life. Which is why they're renewed yearly, because values and priorities evolve.

By giving each one a few weeks of focus, I have timeframes for projects that can contribute to cultivating more of what that Vow Word represents in my life.

For example, since Stability has been my Vow Focus the last few weeks, I've been contemplating two variations on Stability - literal physical stability as my leg heals from a complex fracture that required two surgeries and weeks of non-weight bearing to heal and financial stability.

I'm in a good place in my life, relative to places I've been in the past.

I own my home now, mortgage free. Just have to pay the taxes each year, and those, so far, are less than $1000 a year. I make enough each month to pay my bills and have a bit of fun, but I'd like more, and to do that, I need more ways for money - in all her glorious forms - to flow to me.

Which led to a meditation session where I focused on Juno Moneta and got the nudge to look into crypto as one of those potential ways to have some flow.

Will crypto help me get some more stability in my life?

I don't know, yet.

But I follow the nudges and see where they lead.

My nudges have led me to amazing places in my life.

Which is a very cozy and simple life.

Just the way I like it.


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