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Holiest of Holies & King Solomon's Temple of Doom

Its unfortunate I don't have any actual subscribers, just lookie-lou's.

****These writings contain satire and parody. They depict entirely fictional situations that are products of the writer's imagination. These writings are not intended to describe actual events, persons, or entities, nor to suggest any association with or sponsorship by any entity. All characters and events in these writings, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional. All names, addresses, and facts have been made up as part of a fictional story, and everything in these writings is ONLY for entertainment purposes. There are adult themes and naughty language in these writings, and as a result, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NOBODY READ ANY FURTHER OR IS IT FARTHER...ALL CAPS YOU GET THE POINT, MUUUAHAAHAHAHHAHAH****


I have this sickening feeling that because I am applying for dispensary jobs where I am, the SS is sending out their minions to do the same thing. I was looking at 100-200 applicants for some job postings over the last month or so. I kid you not, as soon as I start applying for jobs, it looks like hundreds of others are doing the same thing. It’s likely being done for two reasons. One is to make the whole process as difficult as possible for myself and presumably others. The other goal is to have an SS member ready and waiting for me, wherever I am to work. I can definitely count on that. One of the most classic moves that seems to be a go-to is to let me work somewhere for a few days, perhaps in a kitchen cooking or waiting tables. The first 1-4 days usually go really smoothly. I'm a quick learner, and unless someone is purposely messing with me or setting me up to fail, I typically catch on really quickly. Its after the first few days or the first week that another employee will begin working along side me. Usually they suck horribly and I have to carry their way. This person is put in place to befriend me and undermine me. They are always given over the top praise by the manager while they ignore me who's clearly doing a better job. This has happened to me at the last 5-10 jobs I've had, I didn't realize it until recently. Its always the same thing though, a short honey moon phase that last a few days whwerein the manager is nice and acts like he always does. Then one day as if a light switched, the same manager or work vibe will be dashed to the rocks, and intense gaslighting/abuse begins. Its like clock work. I can only expect these things to happen if I ever actually get a job at a dispensary.

Most jobs are designed to be casual and easy, and most jobs are. What happens with the SS, who work at almost all places, is that they do have a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere they work in, and it’s usually self-evident when you visit their place of employment, whether it be a restaurant, bar, dispensary, or what have you. So they have their job; they've been doing it for a year or two, and they're good at it. They usually do not like it when a TI starts up at their jobs for a variety of reasons. The number one reason is that if a TI is there, that means if someone has a stroke or a heart attack, they may actually have to save the person and give them life instead of smothering them and removing some blood as the victim fights for their last dying breath. If your life consists of being addicted to such behavior, I can only imagine that your entire life starts to revolve around it, your drug. It’s interesting to think about blood having the ability to get one high under the right circumstances while at the same time possibly making one stay the same age, not getting older to a degree.

It gets very confusing because when it comes to the consumption of what they call "the red velvet," there seem to be multiple uses. They are definitely addicted to it, and they’re definitely getting high off it. The high of too much adrenaline is very similar to the high from a large amount of MDMA, cocaine, or methamphetamine. When it comes to consumption, the first thing we need to ask ourselves is: Is this person human or not? In most cases, you will find that they are not. I have a feeling that these creatures, who are walking around in human skin, actually need the blood to keep their skin suits fresh. I could be wrong, and maybe this is just me making excuses for my abuser. I am convinced that much of the red velvet comes from younger people being hurt quite badly. As with addiction and as with drugs, the lines likely get very blurred. Perhaps these creatures always get high off of the red velvet, or perhaps it revitalizes them enough to where they may as well be high—I don't know, and I don't care. At the end of the day, we are talking about addiction. Addiction in the highest degree. People who are afraid of the one thing that life is all about, which is death.

I have a feeling they have convinced each other, and convinced themselves, that they, the creatures down below, do not have souls and that the subject of souls is something they made up. They likely have made up most of the Bible, and it seems to me that "the Devil" himself was responsible for the carnage that occurred in King Solomon's temple in the Holies of Holies. Who knew, all this time, that the Holiest of Holies was and is nothing more than a hole in the ground? That's all. The name sounding like the word "hole" is not a coincidence. There are multiple levels of knowledge regarding the Holiest of Holies. I think it’s obvious to me now that the reason King Solomon had to cover himself with protective gowns from head to toe, in layers of protective fabric, was not to shield himself from radiation as some ancient alien astronaut theorists maintain. The reason King Solomon had to cover his body with fabric and shrouds when he went into the Holiest of Holies once or twice a year was because, I believe, he was ingesting a small Ch__d while in there. The fabric was to keep the blood from getting on him so others would not see. It would have been brought up to him from down below, into or up through the floor.

When traveling around the country, something I noticed is that almost every church is designed in one of two ways, one of which being a replica of Solomon's temple. Sometimes the blueprint crosses over itself, and they never look exactly like Solomon's temple, but there are some similarities one can look for. The main things are the two pillars in the front of the house before the door with a triangle over the top of them. I believe something is put in the ceiling of many of these entrance ways. If so, it’s likely bones and blood or something of that nature. The other key thing to look for is the presence of a fire pit. SS members and "builders" alike will often design places with a fire pit exactly where the fire pit was in Solomon's temple. The other main feature that many houses of the SS have around the country is the presence of a "Holiest of Holies" in their house. This could mean a few different things.

I mentioned there are multiple layers of knowledge to the Holiest of Holies. I'll try to explain something I only vaguely grasp myself. When one is brought up in the world of doing unspeakable things to children, it’s something they have been doing their entire lives. Their own fathers are usually right there with them as they R___ their first victims, which occurs when they are under the age of five. I know that when I was growing up, the "friends" I had would have me over to their homes. I would have a fun time playing, then I would be given some sort of tranquilizer. Next thing I knew, it was morning, and I usually had something wrong with me down below. I didn't put one and two together until much later in life, but hindsight is 20/20. I was being tranq’d, and the R__d. It was was being done to me by my childhood friend and his parents. My parents, of course, knew, and the same thing would happen to me at home. For years, I firmly believed I had some sort of problem with my bowels and that my eating habits didn’t match well with my digestive system. Some nights, I would wake up and spray cologne down into my underwear to cover up what I thought was an accident I'd had myself. I thought I was prone to having accidents in my pants at night when I slept. I was young, maybe 6-7 years old. I had no idea what any thing of that nature was having not been spoken to about it. I also hadn't seen any photographs or videos of that nature.

When you enter through the two pillars of an SS member's home, you are walking past the pillars of "Jachin and Boaz," who I call "Bobo and Jackass." Usually, directly past the front door and pillars sits the Holiest of Holies in line with the pillars and the front door. Oftentimes, the "Holiest of Holies" will be a small crawl space under a set of stairs or a full walk-in closet located somewhere near the middle of the home’s construction. To someone who has grown up doing the Rword to children, the Holiest of Holies will be a place where they do horrible things to children. It is passed on as a rumor through the ranks of P_____s that doing the Rword to a child actually somehow makes you younger. That being around many young children may make you younger from their energy. The "holy grail", some of them argue, is actually in the shape of the inside of one's body. They distract and traffic many of their victims long enough until the victims become active, willing participants focused mostly on drugs, alcohol, and doing horrible things to children, that is if the SS has its way. Amongst the secretive world of underground Pe______e rings, people don't ask many questions. By the time participants realize many of their victims are being murdered, it’s too late, and they’re in too deep. The murder, the Rword, drugs, money, and general lifestyle are more than enough to keep many P______s occupied and distracted their entire lives. Speaking for myself, who is attracted to mature women, I've said many times it would be quite easy for anyone to be distracted for the rest of their lives simply with women and drugs, or just one of those two things.

My point is, to some, the Holiest of Holies is a small room strategically placed in people’s homes in line with their two pillars and the triangle out front. It is a place they would like to get back to so they can do more horrible things to children. At this point, they are fully addicted. Usually addicted to the sexual acts along with alcohol and drugs. Who would ever think this room, placed in people’s homes, was being constructed with the knowledge that the owners were going to use it for very specific, very horrible things?It being designed in honor of or to mimic King Solomon's temple is an added layer of secrets and mystery and therefore sickness. Think of it as an inside joke, literally. I'm sure there are some proud Pe______es walking around thinking that they have all this secret knowledge regarding the construction of homes and the Holiest of Holies, etc. I often wonder what conversations the realtors all over America have, or do not have, on a regular basis when showing houses. Once you know the things I know, you can talk directly in the face of any law enforcement officer, judge or politician. Usually simply stating "whats not cute? Demon in a skin suit." shuts them up pretty quick. Laugh and get them to repeat it, they will literally turn tale and run. I will say this, the realtors are definitely in the know. All the ones in Florida I would expect or at least all the ones with their faces on billboards and bus stop benches.

of my favorite lines from The Lord of the Rings is "But all of them were deceived." Not only is the Holiest of Holies a small room where people can play out their sickness in relation to "holy holes" as they see it, but its also something else that most upper level Pe__s don't even know about until they've sold their soul and are about to die. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out many people live in homes like these, designed with the holiest of holies room, all the while having no clue that there is a frog or lizard person who's been living under their home since before they were born. They usually come up between the walls from under the foundation of the home. Once they're in the walls they just have to go up and they're in your attic. They snuck up through a Port-hole. Some may call it a "portal" into another dimension, which in a sense it is. It is a port-hole into the dimension under our feet. The under water dimension. Think of it like Mario Bro's II, the under water level. I'll be long gone before any of my offspring or relatives make it to level III. I'm not brave enough to go down in the muck. I'm 99% sure I've been down there already plenty of times.

That is now for all. Its unfortunate nobody will see these posts anytime soon. I feel that as challenging as it may be to read, and to come to terms with, people would rather know the truth than have their truth covered up in lies. The truth is I believe every church in America has a "holiest of holies" on their properties as do many residential homes. The photo I've included shows proof that people in my family designed my childhood home to mimic many aspects of Solomon's temple complete with a Holiest of Holies and everything. They knew before the foundation was being poured what would be done in that house. I do not think my mother knew. I believe she resisted and fought in the end. I miss her and I believe I will see her again one day.

There are things i will include in my book that address what I believe was my mother's early departure. Its possible what happened to her has happened to many of you as well. Its possible that you, the reader are traipsing about in a skin suit as you read this blog. Very possible! It doesn't matter if you self identify as human or self identify as a frog, lizard or a fish (The jury is still out on that one), my story is unlike any story I've ever read about and its more crazy than any movie I've ever seen. The reader just needs to pay close attention.

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