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Future Club // Perspectives #6

Will we drive cars ourselves in 10 years?


The future of self-driving cars promises significant benefits, including enhanced safety, reduced traffic congestion, and increased accessibility for individuals unable to drive.

However, the technology still faces challenges such as regulatory hurdles, ethical considerations, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect against potential hacking. Additionally, the shift towards autonomous vehicles could revolutionize the concept of car ownership, leading to a greater emphasis on shared mobility services and potentially reducing the overall number of vehicles on the road.

As autonomous vehicles continue to advance, they will undoubtedly transform our society, reshaping industries, urban planning, and our daily lives. How will self-driving cars impact our society, and could they eventually render human driving obsolete?

Three perspectives: 

  1. People won't be allowed to drive cars in the future

Elon Musk envisions a future where human driving may be outlawed due to the superior safety of autonomous vehicles. He predicts that as driverless technology advances, society will take autonomous cars for granted, recognizing their potential to significantly reduce accidents caused by human error. Musk's forecast follows Tesla's introduction of an autopilot mode and other breakthroughs in self-driving technology. This shift raises questions about the impact on car ownership versus shared mobility, and how our societal norms around driving and safety will evolve. Will autonomous vehicles ultimately make human driving obsolete, leading to a safer yet radically different transportation landscape?

  1. People won't own cars in the driverless future 

Tony Seba, co-founder of the think tank RethinkX and a Stanford instructor, predicts a significant decline in private car ownership in the near future, with most Americans transitioning to self-driving, electric ride-shares. These autonomous vehicles, which can operate continuously and cover approximately 230,000 km annually, will drastically reduce transportation costs and provide immense value to consumers by freeing up time otherwise spent driving. This shift will make transportation more affordable and efficient, enabling people to focus on productive or leisure activities during their commutes. Autonomous vehicles' efficiency and durability will revolutionize mobility, offering a cost-effective and time-saving alternative to traditional car ownership.

  1. Driverless cars are "A Misplaced Priority":

    Christian Wolmar, transportation analyst and author of the book "driverless cars: on a road to nowhere", critically evaluates the progress and future of self-driving cars, arguing that despite billions in investment, autonomous vehicles have failed to meet expectations due to technological hurdles and safety concerns. Highlighting incidents like Uber's fatal crash and Cruise's setbacks, Wolmar underscores the ongoing difficulties in achieving full automation. He suggests that the technological optimism surrounding self-driving cars has overshadowed practical transportation needs, such as railway reforms and clear legislation for electric scooters, questioning whether the focus on autonomous vehicles is justified.

Bonus perspectives

The 5 levels of automation:

Autonomous driving technology is classified into six levels by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), ranging from no automation to fully autonomous vehicles. These levels outline the progression of vehicle automation and the decreasing need for human intervention.

Level 0: No automation at all. The human driver is fully responsible for controlling the vehicle at all times.

Level 1: Very light automation, such as adaptive cruise control, where the vehicle can assist with either steering or acceleration/deceleration but not both simultaneously.

Level 2: Some automation but requires human attention at all times. The vehicle can control both steering and acceleration/deceleration, but the driver must remain engaged and monitor the environment.

Level 3: Conditional automation, where the vehicle can drive itself under certain conditions, like traffic jams, but will request human intervention when needed.

Level 4: High automation, where the vehicle can operate autonomously in most conditions without human intervention, but it might still require a driver in certain environments or situations.

Level 5: Full automation, where the vehicle is completely autonomous and can drive itself under any conditions without any human intervention.

Noteworthy Concepts:

  • Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging): A remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure distances. Lidar systems in autonomous vehicles create detailed, 3D maps of the environment, enabling the car to detect and avoid obstacles.

  • V2X Communication (Vehicle-to-Everything): This technology allows vehicles to communicate with each other (V2V), infrastructure (V2I), and other entities like pedestrians (V2P). V2X enhances the safety and efficiency of autonomous driving by providing real-time information about traffic conditions and potential hazards.

  • HD Mapping: High-definition maps provide autonomous vehicles with highly detailed information about road layouts, including lane configurations, traffic signals, and signage. These maps are crucial for navigation and decision-making in autonomous driving systems.

  • AI and Machine Learning: Autonomous vehicles rely heavily on AI and machine learning to interpret sensory data, make driving decisions, and improve over time. These technologies allow the car to learn from experiences and adapt to new driving scenarios, enhancing safety and reliability.

  • Regulatory Framework: The development and deployment of autonomous vehicles depend on a robust regulatory framework. Governments and institutions are working to create standards and laws that ensure the safety, security, and ethical use of driverless technology, addressing issues such as liability, data privacy, and public safety.

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