Disciples (Part 2b)

In this post, we shall be buttressing a number of points we made in the first two parts of this series using the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:19,20.

In Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus said:

“Go ye therefore, and teach (or make disciples of) all nations… teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:”

The word translated observe here means to keep and in this context, it means to do all things Jesus commanded them as He commanded it, that is, without deviation. In other words, to live in accordance with His words.

Thus, Jesus was telling His disciples to make disciples of all nations by teaching them to do or live in accordance with His words which, if you think about it, means the same thing as teaching them to abide or remain in His word.

Therefore, if making one a disciple is by teaching such a one to abide in the word or to live in accordance with it then it means that a disciple is one who abides in the word or lives in accordance with it.

And as we have shown before (from a previous post and from Joshua 1:8) it is by consistent constant meditation that we abide or live in accordance with the word.

In conclusion then, we become true disciples of Jesus, that is, people who abide or remain in His word or live in accordance with it, by consistently constantly meditating on the word of God.

I call you blessed.

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