Welcome to Issue 26 of The Guardian. I'll be your host Wolf Pup #4768. I'm a student of The Guardian Academy (TGA) ready to bring you all the latest news from the ecosystem.
There will be 3 sections:
Live To Learn, Give To Earn
"On Chain" and Medallion Updates and Rewards
Be sure to subscribe and share with your friends: Wolves, humans, apes, pixelated men and womenā¦.everyone is welcome!
Inside The Den
The Guardian is focused on official TGA-specific updates. For news, updates, and member-run events be sure to check out Inside The Den. Dwayne does a great job of organizing and reporting news from around the web 3 world that impacts TGA members and the team with his Inside The Den brand.
Let's dive in.
*Any links that are embedded from Twitter click on the timestamp to be brought to the tweet.
Live To Learn, Give To Earn
TGA 10 Commandments
Important read for all TGA members.
10 Commandments Visually
After you've read the above post, check these out.
Guardian Calls
Each week Guardians get together and are able to workshop their problems. Lots of value just being a fly on the wall as well.
Workshops With Base Case And Build
Lessons From Gus the Wolf
Creativity and multi loop learning, Gus the Wolf killin it.
Inside The Den On Substack
If you want to keep up to date on full ecosystem news be sure to subscribe to their Substack as well.
Becky Robbins At TGA Event
TGA event guests always bring so much value. Be on the lookout for the replay of this!
You are your own guide. You are your own guard.
Live to learn. Give to earn.
If you enjoyed the content and want to stay updated be sure to subscribe.
Until next time! Stay #WOLFISH TGA