Welcome to Issue 27 of The Guardian. I'll be your host Wolf Pup #4768. I'm a student of The Guardian Academy (TGA) ready to bring you all the latest news from the ecosystem.
There will be 3 sections:
Live To Learn, Give To Earn
"On Chain" and Medallion Updates and Rewards
Be sure to subscribe and share with your friends: Wolves, humans, apes, pixelated men and womenā¦.everyone is welcome!
Inside The Den
The Guardian is focused on official TGA-specific updates. For news, updates, and member-run events be sure to check out Inside The Den. Dwayne does a great job of organizing and reporting news from around the web 3 world that impacts TGA members and the team with his Inside The Den brand.
Let's dive in.
*Any links that are embedded from Twitter click on the timestamp to be brought to the tweet.
Be sure you're subscribed over there as well if you want the latest articles.
Live To Learn, Give To Earn
How Do You Maximize Your Time Here?
This Usually Leads To Intelligence
Know Thyself
Do the hard part first and everything else becomes easier.
Check out this clip from Guardian Scott.
How Present Are You?
Often overlooked in today's society. Recovery Vibes run by Guardian Malek, highlighting some important topics check out the page!
The Guardian Is A Must Read
We've made it everyone! The Gus checks us out!
Optimize Before You Maximize
Guardian Nick has been brewing some cool things, would be one to keep an eye on.
With their forces combined....
When You Do The Work
You just start to see these everywhere.
Thanks for tuning in, hope to see you next time! Rememberā¦
You are your own guide. You are your own guard.
Live to learn. Give to earn.
If you enjoyed the content and want to stay updated be sure to subscribe.
Until next time! Stay #WOLFISH TGA