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The Guardian Issue #28

Welcome to Issue 28 of The Guardian. I'll be your host Wolf Pup #4768. I'm a student of The Guardian Academy (TGA) ready to bring you all the latest news from the ecosystem.

There will be 3 sections:

  1. Live To Learn, Give To Earn

  2. Events

  3. "On Chain" and Medallion Updates and Rewards

Be sure to subscribe and share with your friends: Wolves, humans, apes, pixelated men and women….everyone is welcome!

Inside The Den

The Guardian is focused on official TGA-specific updates. For news, updates, and member-run events be sure to check out Inside The Den. Dwayne does a great job of organizing and reporting news from around the web 3 world that impacts TGA members and the team with his Inside The Den brand.

Let's dive in.

*Any links that are embedded from Twitter click on the timestamp to be brought to the tweet.

Live To Learn, Give To Earn

Unleash Your Learning Potential

Did you catch last week's Substack article? Make sure you're subscribed on there as well if you want to stay up to date on the latest articles coming out.

Gus the Wolf Pup did.

The Process Is The Shortcut

Guardian Capstones are some of the most impactful creations I have come across. Check these out.

Bookmark This

This is a great thread to save and to keep those loops open.

Trusting Your Intuition

Leveling up.

Strong Children > Broken Adults

Guardians teaming up to create something better for posterity.


Crucial piece within TGA core concepts.

Crypto Tax Made Easy

Guardian's solving problems. Follow along if you think Crypto taxes are a pain!

Thanks for tuning in, hope to see you next time! Remember…

You are your own guide. You are your own guard.

Live to learn. Give to earn.

If you enjoyed the content and want to stay updated be sure to subscribe.

Until next time! Stay #WOLFISH TGA

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